Invoking Kapplets
To run an Installed Kapplet, simply click it - either in My KappZone or in My Favorites, and fill out all of the required fields and click the Start button. In the example below the 'test' Kapplet requires only the 'iterations' field to be filled.
When using a Kapplet, the Kapplet User generally sees a view where all active Kapplet Pages are shown simultaneously in left-to-right order starting with the Start Page, the Result History Page, and then Result Pages if relevant. Note, that until the Kapplet has been started, or an active Kapplet Run has been selected from the Result History Page only the Start Page and the Result History Page are shown.
Once the Kapplet is started a corresponding new Kapplet Run is listed on the Result History Page and the corresponding Result Pages are displayed to the right of the Result History Page. The active (not yet deleted) Kapplet Runs are always stored and can be found in the Result History Page of the corresponding Installed Kapplet. The corresponding Result Pages can be opened by clicking the relevant Result History Page entry. The example below shows the results of the 'Myrobot' Kapplet.

If you want to work further with a tabulated Kapplet result in a 3rd party program then the Kapplet result can be downloaded in the Excel format. To delete the entire result history of a Kapplet, click DELETE ALL under RESULT HISTORY.