Variables View
The Variables View includes a list of variables. When you select a variable from the list, the associated details appear on the righthand side of the view. The view shows the variable values for the current step of robot execution, and cannot be edited.
Right-click the variables list to access a list of variable types. You can add or remove variable types using this list. You can also remove the selected variable using this list.
Click Edit to modify the initial variable values, or double-click an item in the variable list. A variable view similar to the Variables View window appears. This window displays the values of the variables before any step has been executed, and you can edit them.
When writing and testing a robot, you use initial input variable values. When a robot runs in production, the input variables are initialized to values determined by the application running the robot.
Initial values for variables are the values that they have at the start of the robot (for example, at the first step). The values apply when you are writing, testing, and running the robot in production.