Start the Management Console
The Management Console component is an optional part of a RoboServer. You start the Management Console by starting a RoboServer and instructing it to function as a Management Console, it may still also run the RoboServer functionality. For information on starting and using a RoboServer, see the Kofax RPA Administrator's Guide.
A RoboServer with Management Console functionality may be started with the Start Management Console item in the Start menu (on Windows). On Linux and Unix variants, you can use the command line:
RoboServer -MC
This starts a RoboServer as Management Console only, and thus is not capable of running any robots. The Management Console's web interface is accessible by connecting to the port configured in Settings. See the "RoboServer Configuration" in the Kofax RPA Administrator's Guide for more information on Configuring the Embedded Management Console. If you start the Management Console this way, it cannot be restarted or shut down via Control Center or the ShutDownRoboServer program.
You can also use the following command to start the Management Console:
RoboServer -p 50000 -MC
This starts a RoboServer listening on a socket at port 50000, and providing Management Console functionality via a web interface on a configured port (the port is configured in Settings).
Regardless of how the Management Console is started, a license key must be entered into the web interface before it can function as a license server for RoboServer and Design Studio instances.
For production scenarios, we recommend that you start one RoboServer with the Management Console but not add that RoboServer to a cluster. That way, you prevent Management Console starvation that may occur if it is denied access to resources that are in use by the RoboServer. After setting up the RoboServer running the Management Console, you can start as many RoboServers as you like using the parameter -p 50000. These are the only RoboServers that should be added to the RoboServer Clusters on the Clusters tab.