Type Attributes
The attributes within a type must also be correctly added and configured in order for the type to be valid. You must specify both a name and a type for each attribute. The available attribute types are listed in the following table.
Attribute Type |
Description |
Integer |
An integer, such as 12. The possible range is from -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807, both inclusive. |
Number |
A number, such as 12.345. The possible range is from ±2.2×10−308 to ±1.8×10308 with slightly more than 15 digits of accuracy. |
Boolean |
A boolean value; either "true" or "false". |
Character |
A single character, such as "A". |
Short Text |
A short text. Displayed in a one-line text field. |
Long Text |
A long text. Displayed in a multi-line text box. |
Password |
A password. Displayed in a password field that shows asterisks instead of the characters in the password. |
An HTML clip. This is the same as a Long Text, except that you can preview the clip in a browser window. |
An XML document. This is the same as a Long Text, except that only well-formed XML documents are allowed. |
Date |
A date, which must use the form yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.n, such as "1992-04-25 10:33:06.0". |
Binary |
Binary data; any sequence of bytes. |
Image |
An image. This is the same as Binary Data, except that you can preview the image. |
A PDF document. This is the same as Binary Data, except that you can preview the PDF document. |
Session |
A session (containing cookies, authentications, etc.). |
Currency |
A currency code, as defined by the ISO-4217 standard, such as "EUR" for Euro. |
Country |
A country code, as defined by the ISO-3166 standard, such as "DE" for Germany. |
Language |
A language code, as defined by the ISO-639 standard, such as "de" for German. |
A JSON value is either a JSON text or JSON Simple type where the JSON Simple type is either a JSON literal, a number, or a string. |