Frames View
The Frame view is located next to the Variables tab at the bottom right corner of Design Studio.

The Frames tab shows all top-level browser frames and all their sub-frames in a tree. The view also contains a preview panel showing details about the selected frame. Starting from Design Studio version 9.6, the Frames view is the only place to get an overview of the frames. The labels of the top-level frames in the Frames tree are the same as the tab titles in the Page view. If the HTML page shown in the frame has a title, it is shown, otherwise the URL is shown. The labels of sub-frames are shown by their names (Unnamed (n) if they have no name).
A node in the Frames tree may have various decorations such as:
An orange box around a label: the frame is the current window.
A gray box around a label: the frame is currently selected in the page view.
Light gray background color around the label: the frame is open in the page view.
The label and the icon is dimmed: the frame has no view (its viewport is zero height or zero width).
Frames Preview panel next to the
Frames tree shows details about the
selected in the tree frame. The details shown are the URL and a small rendering
of the browser view of the frame with an overlay showing the size of the frame,
for example 1263 x 1024. If a frame is blocked by URL blocking, then this is
shown with
both in the preview and in the tree.
- Frame View Actions
There are a number of actions associated with the nodes of the frame tree.
Set as Current Window: inserts a "Set Current Window" step into the robot which is configured to open the frame with the name of the selected node (the name is shown in the tooltip on the node).
Close Window: inserts a step in the robot to close the frame
Open/Close: opens or closes a frame in the page view (a tab). Only works on non-toplevel frames since the top-level frames are always open. Note that this command does not insert any step into the robot.
Block URL: opens a dialog box for editing a URL blocking pattern for the frame and add this pattern to the robot's list of Blocked URL Patterns
Select in Browser View: selects the frame element in the browser view that defined the frame. If the frame containing the element is not open in the Page view, then this frame is opened.
Note These actions are also available on the browser view tabs of the page view. -