Quick Capture user interface

When you log on to Kofax TotalAgility Quick Capture, the default web page appears.

The initial view of Quick Capture includes a header, a navigation menu, and the main page that displays what is selected in the menu.


Click the logo to return to the TotalAgility Apps Home page from other pages in the application.

Kofax TotalAgility Quick Capture

The application name.

Help button

Click to open the Kofax TotalAgility Quick Capture Help.

Logged-on user's name

Click to display the following options:

  • Profile: Update your profile settings.

  • Logout: Logs you out of Kofax TotalAgility Quick Capture.


Refresh the window and display the newly added or modified items.


Create a new solution. This setting is available only when at least one solution is configured already.


A Windows Explorer window is displayed so that you can navigate to and select an existing Quick Capture solution.

Open Workspace

The TotalAgility Workspace is displayed in a new tab for the logged-in user.


Displays the list of categories that the logged-on user has access to. The user's working category is selected by default.


Locate an item by name.

Enter the item name and click . Items that meet to the search criteria are displayed. If no items related to search criteria exist, an empty list is displayed. On clearing the search criteria, all the items from the working category are displayed.

Create new solution

Create a new solution. This setting is available only when no other solutions exist. Once one or more solutions are added, use New instead.

When you already have existing capture solutions, the following information is provided for each solution:


Lists the solution name. Click the name link to open a solution.

Locked by

If applicable, lists the username of the person who has the solution locked.

Last modified by

Lists who the last modified a solution.

Last modified date

Lists the date when a solution was last modified.


Lists the version number of a solution.

This menu has the following options to manage the selected solution:


Opens the solution for editing. This is the same as clicking on the Name of the solution.


Deletes the selected solution. You are prompted to confirm the deletion to ensure that you do not delete a solution in error.


When a solution is released, it is locked by default so that other users cannot make changes. This setting enables you to unlock a solution for editing.


The Associations window for the selected solution is displayed. This list of associations helps you assess the impact of changes.

This window is empty if there are no associations for the selected solution.

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