Add document types

You can publish a solution by configuring a valid document type. A valid document type involves configuring and training document types. You can set up as many document types as needed and select one as the default. All documents that the system cannot identify are grouped under the default document type. If you configure only one document type for the solution, that document type is automatically set as the default classification type.

  1. On the Solution Documents tab, in the Document types section, click New Document Type.

    A new document type box is displayed.

  2. Enter a name for the new document type.
  3. Optionally, set the Default setting to Yes to make it the default document type.

    For a new solution, the first document type is empty.

  4. Click Upload sample documents to select sample documents using a File Explorer window.
    • The supported file types are TIFF, JPEG, PNG, and PDF.

    • Ensure that the documents are readable and have high resolution and no scan artifacts.

    • Ensure to use only samples of the same type in a document type.

    • Avoid long documents with several pages.

    • Avoid full-color images; we recommend bitonal images.

    • Provide at least three to five documents for document type to be grouped as a classification.

    The selected documents are displayed in the Upload sample documents window.

    A training circle and a tooltip indicate the quality of that document. Green indicates that the document is good quality, orange indicates that the document is medium quality, and red indicates low quality. We recommend that you use good quality documents only, as the document quality affects the classification results once the project is trained.

    If the documents are found in the wrong group, a warning is displayed on those documents for easier identification of the incorrect grouping.

  5. Click Save.

    The preview of the documents appears under the Document types section header.

    To view an uploaded document, click Full screen and to delete a document, click Delete Document Type.

    Repeat steps 1 to 4 to add more document types as needed. To delete the document type, select the document type and click Delete Document Type.

  6. Train the document type; otherwise, you cannot publish it. To train the classified documents, click Train.

    After training is performed, the training circle icon is displayed in the upper right corner for a document type. This icon represents the classification quality of the entire document type. Green indicates high classification results, orange indicates medium quality classification results, and red indicates poor classification results. If high quality classification results are not achieved, we recommend that you add higher quality documents and train again.