Extract a suggested field

Select a suggested field to configure its extraction. Repeat for all suggested fields you want to extract. To hide field suggestions, toggle off the suggested fields by clicking Hide suggested fields.

You need not add every variant of a keyword because the AI engine is able to consolidate similar keywords. Note the following when adding keywords:

  • Keyword matching is not case sensitive.

  • The semicolon is a word delimiter.

  • Empty values are removed.

    For example, Acct_Number; ;Acct_Name is converted to Acct_Number;Acct_Name automatically.

  • When encountered, the following characters are removed from the extraction results:


    For example, removing these characters helps to increase the confidence match between InvoiceNr and Invoice-Nr or 0176457897 and 0176/457897.

  • If you open a Quick Capture solution in a Kofax TotalAgility version earlier than 8.0.0, no additional extraction methods or field data are added based on the suggested fields for existing documents. Upload your documents again so that the AI engine runs and the suggested fields information is generated.

  • Before you add a suggested field for extraction, you must Enable field extraction.

Use the following procedure to add a suggested field for extraction.

  1. If not already enabled, toggle on suggested fields by clicking Show suggested fields.

    Already trained fields are highlighted in green. Available pairs are highlighted in yellow and blue, with yellow for the key and blue for its corresponding value. Hovering over a key will indicate its value, and vice versa. If the values are far apart, a line indicates the link when you hover.

  2. Click a suggested field pair that you want to extract.

    The field value is blue and its corresponding key is yellow.

    The Add suggested field window is displayed for the selected field.

    The Selected text field is populated with the value and the Name field is populated with the key from the selected field.

  3. If this is a new field, set the New or existing setting to New field.

    If you have already added a field with the same content, consider adding a field based on an existing field.

  4. Set the following Advanced settings as needed:
    1. Select the Type from the list.

      Depending on the value selected, different settings are displayed.

    2. Optional. Select a Formatter.

      Edit the Default Date Formatter and the Default Amount Formatter in the system and adjust it to use the most common input format that is used in your country.

    3. Optional. Add Keywords.

      This is a semicolon separated list of possible field labels. This is necessary only if the label differs between documents of this type.

    4. If the field must always be present on a document, select Is mandatory. (Default: Clear)
    5. The following settings depend on the selected value for Type. Follow the steps for the relevant value as listed in the table.




      1. Optional. Select and specify a value for Minimum character length.

      2. Optional. Select and specify a value for Maximum character length.

      3. Optional. Select Define allowed characters and enter a list of characters. This list is literal and no separation character is required.

      4. Optional. Select Define restricted characters and enter a list of characters that are not allowed. This list is literal and no separation character is required.


      1. Select a Reference date.

        If you select Fixed date, select a date from the calendar.

      2. Optional. Select Period before reference date and specify a number of days to ensure that documents fit within a specific period.

      3. Optional. Select Period after reference date and specify a number of days to ensure that documents fit within a specific period.


      No additional steps are necessary for fields with this type.

  5. Click Save.

    The Add suggested field window closes and the field is added to the selected document type.

    Training is performed for the selected document type automatically. If the training circle icon is orange, add this field to additional documents.

  6. Optional. Add additional fields for extraction.

    Once the training circle is green, you no longer need to add fields.