Provide solution details

You can enter solution details on the Solution Documents tab.

You can provide the solution details by following these steps:

  1. Enter a Solution name.

    This should be a unique name and is visible at runtime.

    The name can have a maximum of 40 characters. This name is also used for processes and forms associated with the capture solution.

    If you rename the solution after it is published, the existing items do not reflect the updated name; however, the newly created items are named with the updated solution name.

    If the given solution name already exists, an error is displayed.

    If an existing item, such as form or group, has the same name as the solution, you can either change the name of the current item or rename the existing solution and republish.

  2. Select a value from the What is the language of your documents list.

    By selecting a language here, it ensures that the system processes your documents with the most appropriate settings.

  3. Select a Separation profile.
  4. Choose whether to Allow capture using MDF only.

    If you select Yes, the documents are captured using an MFD only, and the solution does not appear on the Capture Solution's list within the Kofax TotalAgility Workspace.

    If you select No, you can view the form in Kofax TotalAgility Workspace.