Provide review details

You can add a document review activity to your process, assign it to resources, and set the average duration.

The system improves over time and reduces the number of mistakes automatically by watching an operator correct uncertain or incorrectly classified documents. You can add a user operation to review an activity.
  1. Click the User Operations tab and click Review.
  2. To manually review the document classification results, select Yes using the toggle button.

    Additional settings are available to configure document review.

  3. To select users or groups who can perform the review, follow the steps in the table.

    To create a new resource, click Create new.

    1. In the New group window, enter the name for the group.

    2. Click Add to add group members.

      The Add group members window is displayed.

    3. Add individuals or groups and click Done.

    4. Click Save.

    To add an existing resource, click Add.

    1. In the Add reviewers window, add groups or individuals.

    2. Click Done.

  4. Select an Average duration to complete the review. Select a number and then either Hours or Minutes.
  5. When the review is complete, to allow the workflow to be processed, select Yes using the toggle button and then select the process on the Workflow list.

    The Workflow list only includes processes that are made available in the TotalAgility Designer under System > System settings > Apps > Quick Capture.

    You must have access to the category the process belongs to; otherwise, you cannot see the process in the list.

  6. Click Save.

    A green check appears next to the Review to indicate that it is activated and configured with no errors.