'Add suggested field' window

After selecting a suggested field, the "Add suggested field" window is displayed so you can configure the extraction settings for the selected field.

The following settings are displayed:

Selected text

This read-only field is pre-populated with the recognition text of the selected field.

Seeing the recognition values of a field is helpful when configuring formatters, character lengths, and allowed or restricted characters.

New or existing

Select one of the following values. (Default: New)

  • New field: Create a unique field.

  • Existing field: All settings are removed and a list of existing fields are displayed for selection.

    This saves you from creating the same field multiple times if it has the exact same configuration in multiple locations. For example, a telephone is configured the same way on many different forms. Creating the field once and referencing the existing field saves time during configuration.


Enter a distinctive and useful name. This is the name that is displayed to users if any user actions are configured.


This is pre-populated with the key from the selected suggested field.

Add additional keywords as needed using a comma-separated list.

Advanced settings

Each field has several advanced settings, depending on the selected Type.

The following are the possible settings:


Select the type of field that you are creating. (Default: Text)

There are three values for this setting:

  • Text

  • Date

  • Number

The selected field type determines the rest of the field settings.


It is possible to further refine a field by applying a formatter. (Default: No formatter)

The following formatters are available:

  • No formatter: If selected, it does not take any text, characters, or digits from the document for formatting.

  • Default Amount Formatter: Contains the default currency and typical decimal symbol formatting.

  • Default Date Formatter: Contains basic date formatting, such as the date order and date output format.

Edit the Default Amount Formatter and the Default Date Formatter in the system and adjust them to use the most common input formats used in your country.

When the field Type is set to Date, the Default Date Formatter is selected automatically.

Is mandatory

Select this setting if a value for this field is required during production. (Default: Clear)

Minimum character length

This setting is available for Text field types only. (Default: Clear)

Select to enter a minimum character length. If an extracted result is shorter than the minimum length, the field is marked as invalid.

Maximum character length

This setting is available for Text field types only. (Default: Clear)

Select to enter a maximum character length. If the extracted result is longer than the maximum length, the field is marked as invalid.

Define allowed characters

This setting is available for Text field types only. (Default: Clear)

Select to enter a list of allowed characters. This list is literal, so no separator character is necessary.

Define restricted characters

This setting is available for Text field types only. (Default: Clear)

Select to enter a list of restricted characters. This list is literal, so no separator character is necessary. (Default: Clear)

Reference date

This setting is available for Date field types only. (Default: Today)

Select a reference date. All dates are compared to this date to ensure that it fits within a specific period.

Period before reference date

This setting is available for Date field types only. (Default: Clear)

Select this setting to provide the number of days that a date is valid before the reference date. This setting restricts a date found on a document to be past N days before the reference data. If a date falls outside the N-day value, it is invalid.