Welcome to HP OXPd component

HP OXPd component allows direct integration of HP OXPd MFPs with the workflow server, with support for OXPd version 1.6.

This release of the HP OXPd component provides useful functions, including the following:

  • Allows direct integration of HP MFPs which supports HP OXPd 1.6 technology
  • Support for multilayered menu configurations
  • Support for various meta-data field types, such as Text, Numeric, Date/Time, List, and Label.
  • Support for Single Touch Scan when there is no need to enter document meta-data at the MFP panel.
  • Support for various Scan Setting parameters and provides an option that allows users to change the scan setting at the MFP panel.
  • Device groupings allow devices to be grouped into functional or organizational groups.
  • Dynamic forms with scripting lets users browse to a document management system to display document profiling information.
  • Windows, Novell, and custom authentication types at the MFP panel. Custom authentication allows you to configure specialized authentication methods.