Ini Resource dialog box
Use this dialog box to configure an Ini resource. You can access this dialog box when you configure an Ini resource in the Resource Manager dialog box or an Adept transform action in the Process Designer.
Specifies the name of the Ini resource.
Provides a description of the Ini resource.
Displays any comments about the resource.
Printer Family
Use the check boxes to determine if the resource will be used for all printer families or only for certain printer families.
Data Type
Use the check boxes to determine if the resource will be used for all data types or only for certain data types.
Import Resource Data
Browse button — Allows for importing resource data. Imported files must contain text data.
Code page — Specifies the code page to be applied to the resource data.
Resource Editor
You can enter text, document properties, and functions in the Resource Editor.
To insert document properties, right-click in the box, click Insert Document Property, and choose the appropriate properties. The document properties will display enclosed in brackets ([]).
To insert functions, right-click in the box, click Insert Function, and choose the appropriate function. Review the Using Output Manager Functions help topic for information on configuring functions.
To go to a specific line in the resource, right-click in the box and click Go To (or press Ctrl+G). In the box that displays, enter the line number and click OK. The line will be highlighted in the Resource Editor.
To find specific text, right-click in the box and click Find and Replace (or press Ctrl+F) to display the search dialog box.
Export button
Allows for exporting the resource data. Unlike the Export button on the Resource Manager dialog box, this exports only the text data from the Resource Editor box to a text file.