Enabling Scan-to-Me

The Scan-to-Me feature allows the user to scan a single or double-sided document and email it to themselves.

To enable this feature, do the following:

  1. In System Configuration, select Global Configuration Settings > Workflows and Scanning > Scan-to-Me. and select Enable.
  2. Set the following options as needed:

Option Description
Enable advanced settings When enabled, this adds a manual configuration menu to the system, including Scan settings, Auto density, Feed type, and Filename/type to the Scan-to-Me screen on the MFP. Users can click on the menu items to change scan settings.
Duplexing Select either Duplex or Simplex. The default setting is Duplex.
Resolution Select the DPI for the scan resolution. The default resolution is 300 DPI.
Scan type Select either Color scan or Monochrome scan. The default setting is Color.
Enable To field When enabled, the To field on the Scan-to-Me screen on the MFP is editable, allowing users to enter one or more email addresses.
Exclude logged in user email address When the Enable To field is selected, the email address of the user performing the scan can be exclude from the To field, and not receive the scan in their mailbox. If the To field is empty, then the user’s email address is automatically put back into this field.
Enable CC field When enabled, adds the Cc field to the Scan-to-Me screen on the MFP, allowing users to enter one or more email addresses. The scan is sent to users in the Cc list, as well as to the user who performed the scan.
Delivery notifications Select Notify on failure and/or Notify on success to receive an email notification if the scan failed or was sent successfully.
Note: At login, if the user selects the Scan-to-Me function but there is no email address for this user in Equitrac’s Accounts Manager, they only see the Access Functions screen. The Scan-to-Me option is not available to users without an email account associated with their Equitrac account.

  1. Select a Default sender’s email, subject line and file name to appear on Scan-to-Me jobs.
    1. Click Insert Token drop-down list beside the From, Subject and File name fields.
    2. Add any of the desired attribute elements from the list. Click and drag an attribute element to move its order in the field, or click the "x" to remove it.

Element Description
Date User session date
Time User session time
User name Logged in User name
User’s email User’s configured email address
User’s home scan folder User’s configured home scan folder
Billing Code User’s billing code
Device name Name of the scan device
Device IP IP address of the scan device
System email System configured email address used for system generated messages
User input User is prompted to enter information at the device
Note: Scan-to-Me can be configured to use either User’s email, system email, or any other specified valid email address in the “From” field for emailing notification messages to users. The “From” address configuration in System Manager must be allowed by the email server configuration or the email notifications will not be sent. For example, although different emails can be used as the “From” address, if more than one email address is configured, the email server will determine the address to be invalid, and the user will not receive the notifications emails.

  1. Click Apply to save the Scan-to-Me settings.