Implementation Checklist: Combined Client for Konica Minolta

This topic displays a table of tasks required to implement the Combined Client for Konica Minolta.

This checklist should evolve based on the experience you gain from performing deployments. You might also want to perform custom checks that are based on a specific aspect of your network architecture or environment.

Table 1. Combined Client for Konica Minolta Checklist
Check Description For more information, see

Confirm that your system meets requirements.

For AutoStore capture functionality, configure the Konica Minolta iOption in an AutoStore workflow using the AutoStore Process Designer.

  • Konica Minolta iOption capture component in Capture - Configure AutoStore (part of ControlSuite web help)

To use Equitrac as the Print Manager, configure the Konica Minolta CC embedded type on the Equitrac server.

Prepare the MFP 1: Configure Konica Minolta OpenAPI

Prepare the MFP 2: Configure MFP auto reset settings

Prepare the MFP 3: Configure the MFP for print release

Prepare the MFP 4: Configure authentication on the MFP

  • Configure to use SSL for Web Services
  • Configure WebDAV to use SSL
  • Configure TCP to use SSL/TLS

Add a DRS Application for Combined Client for Konica Minolta

Add or import a Combined Client for Konica Minolta Device profile

  • How to add a new Device profile in Configure Device Registration Service (part of ControlSuite web help)
  • How to import Device information in Configure Device Registration Service (part of ControlSuite web help)

Register Combined Client for Konica Minolta