Connect AutoStore as a client to ControlSuite. Specify server and ControlSuite
service parameters as well as enrollments.
Follow these steps to connect AutoStore as a client to ControlSuite. Additionally,
specify server and ControlSuite service parameters as well as enrollments.
Go to the Start menu and launch AutoStore 8 Process Designer if it is not running already.
In the AutoStore Process Designer toolbar click the Service
Manager button.
In the AutoStore Service window, select the
Service tab.
Go to the Enable Secure Transport Protocols drop-down menu.
- If you are using HTTP protocol, select None from
the list.
- If you are using HTTPS, select the desired secure transfer protocol.
Secure protocol usage also requires that you choose a certificate in the
Server Certificate field below.
Do not close the AutoStore Service window. Select the
ControlSuite tab.
Go to the ControlSuite Server Address (URL) field.
Enter the (local or remote) URL of the SSDService hosted by ControlSuite.
This is usually shown as https://FQDN:8181/SSDService, and the field may already be populated.
Click the Test button to verify your connection to ControlSuite.
If the test fails, examine the error message and correct the problem before continuing.
Verify that you have the Enroll Client check box
Depending on your workflow choose to select (either or both of) the check
box(es) below: Enroll the document store service and/or
Enroll the workflow job submission service
Click Apply if you made any changes in this dialog box. Otherwise click Close.
Before un-installing AutoStore, you should un-enroll the client and services first.
This will prevent orphaning the enrollments within ControlSuite.
Whenever you change the secure transfer protocol, certificate, port number, or enrollment states,
you need to click Apply to apply the configuration changes and force re-enrollment.