Configuring Scan Processing and Delivery
The Scan Processing Engine (SPE) is responsible for controlling all scan features once user authentication has taken place. When a scan request is received by DCE, all scan information is passed to SPE to process. Use the Scan configuration dialog box to set the defaults for all scan processing. The defaults can be overwritten when configuring individual scan workflows.
To configure scan processing, do the following:
- In System Configuration, select Global Configuration Settings > Workflows and Scanning > Scan Configuration > General Settings.
- From the Delivery notifications drop-down
list, select the destination where the user receives scan job notifications.
- Select the Notify on failure checkbox to have the user notified when a scan job fails.
- Select the Notify on successs checkbox to have the user notified when a scan job completes successfully.
- Repeat the notification process for each type of scan destination you want to configure.
- In the Default configuration section,
do the following:
From the Language drop-down list, select the scan language. Up
to five (5) languages or one (1) Asian language can be selected at a
Note: Asian languages can only be active alone, without any other active languages. For example, if Japanese is selected, then no other language can be active at the same time. Asian languages automatically include English recognition, but English does not appear in the Active languages list.Note: Due to the large number of OCR languages, slow processing time may occur.
- From the Scan type drop-down list, select Color or Monochrome. Color is the default setting.
- From the Resolution drop-down list, select the scan DPI. 300 DPI is the default setting.
- From the Optimize OCR drop-down list, select the quality of OCR processing. You can select to run OCR for Speed, Balanced (default) or Accuracy. The Accuracy setting requires more processing time and resources.
- Enter the time (in hours) when to Purge stored or failed scan jobs after.
- From the Disclaimer drop-down list, click Add/Edit Disclaimer. Provide a Name and Text for the email disclaimer, and click Done. Optionally, a default disclaimer can be selected.
From the Language drop-down list, select the scan language. Up
to five (5) languages or one (1) Asian language can be selected at a
In the Output format labels section, you can customize the labels displayed to
the user during the scan workflow. Click the text field beside the label you
want to edit and enter the new text. Labels with too many characters are
truncated. Equitrac recommends keeping labels to 25 characters or fewer.
Format Description OCR MFP’s output Deliver the unaltered file provided by the MFP. PDF (Image) Basic PDF (not searchable). PDF (Image, PDF/A) Basic PDF meeting PDF/A-1b Archiving Standards. PDF (Searchable) Basic Searchable PDF. X PDF (Searchable, MRC) Searchable PDF with additional compression. Useful for black and white documents with a large amount of text. X PDF (Searchable, PDF/A) Searchable PDF meeting PDF/A-1b Archiving Standards. X Excel (.xls) Excel 2000 to 2003. X Excel (.xlsx) Excel 2007 to 2010. X RTF - Flowing page Uses RTF formatting to simplify editing, but does not match as closely to the original. X RTF - Formatted text Rich Text Format output for Mac and WordPad. Includes basic text formatting such as bold, italic, and paragraph breaks. X RTF - True page Rich Text Format matches most closely with the scanned text, but is more difficult to edit. X Text Unicode text with no line breaks (line breaks added at the end of paragraphs, but not on the actual line of text). X Word (.docx) - Flowing page Word 2007 and 2010 - Uses Word formatting to simplify editing, but does not match as closely to the original. X Word (.docx) - True page Word 2007 and 2010 - Matches most closely with the scanned text, but is more difficult to edit. X XPS (Searchable) Searchable XPS (Microsoft’s Portable Document Format). X JPEGs Single JPEG image for each page scanned. PNGs Single PNG graphics file for each page scanned. TIFF (Multi-page) Single tiff file that contains multiple pages in the file. TIFFs (Single pages) Single tiff image per page scanned. - Click Apply to save the configuration.
Note: SPE produces DOCX, XLSX and XPS output
files only if .NET Framework v4 is installed. DOC format (Word 2000
-2003) is not supported in Equitrac 6.0.