Configuring the Account Monitor Popup

If you want users to have instant access to their account balance information, install the EQAcctMonitor utility on each client workstation. This utility sits on the system tray, and the user can click on it at any time to view current account information. The user sees their Account name (corresponding to their current Windows login information), Account Balance, and Color Quota remaining (if color quotas are configured).

The EQAcctMonitor utility is in the Program Files\Nuance\Equitrac\Tools folder on the machine where CAS is installed.
Note: This feature is supported on user workstations that are authenticated on Windows Servers only. This feature does not work when workstations are authenticated under UNIX DRE Print Servers.
  1. On the CAS server, locate the Program Files\Nuance\Equitrac\Tools folder.
  2. Open the EQAcctMonitor.ini file in any text editor.
  3. Edit the contents of the file, replacing the “put_your_server_name_here” text with the name of the Core Accounting Server that will provide the balance updates to each client. In the example below, CAS is called “ACCTSRV1”.
  4. Save the changes.
  5. Copy the EQAcctMonitor.exe and the EQAcctMonitor.ini files to the Program Files\Nuance\Equitrac\Client folder on each client workstation.
  6. Copy the EQBrands.dll file from the Program Files\Nuance\Equitrac\Common32 folder to the Program Files\Nuance\Equitrac\Client folder on each client workstation.
  7. Run the EQAcctMonitor.exe on each workstation. The icon appears in the System Tray. The user can hover their cursor over the icon to see the balance, or click on the icon to open the full dialog box.
Note: Account limits must be enforced in order for the account balance to display in the Equitrac Account Monitor. See Account Charging and Limits for details.