Enable Account Balance Transfers for User Dashboard

Users can transfer personal funds from their account to another user account. When a transfer takes place, the money is deducted from their Paid account and is deposited into the Paid account of the intended recipient. The Allotted account is not used in these transfers, and remains unaltered.

To allow users to transfer funds form their paid account into another user account, do the following:

  1. In System Configuration, go to Global Configuration Settings > User interaction > Dashboard and Workstation Client.
  2. Select the Show paid/allotted money balances checkbox to display the user’s Paid and Allotted account balances. If not selected, only the Total balance is displayed on the main page.
  3. Select the Show account transfers page checkbox to enable the Transfer funds link on the main User Dashboard page. When this option is selected, users can click on this link to transfer personal funds from their Paid account to another user account.
  4. Select the Show user PIN1 checkbox to display the user’s Primary PIN on the User Dashboard main page.
  5. Click Apply to save the User Dashboard configuration.