Allowances Profile dialog box

An allowances profile restricts users to a printing allowance.

Display this dialog box when working in Administration - Manage Users. On the Users tab, click the browse button (...) for a user in the Allowances Profile column. Then in the Manage Allowances Profiles dialog box, click either New or Edit to create or edit an allowance profile.

Option Description
Profile name

Identifies the profile. This name shows in the Allowances Profile list.

Profile description

Provides space to provide information about a profile.

Initial printing balance

The amount that users that are assigned this profile are allowed to expend on printing or both printing and copying during the interval specified by Refresh Period.

Copy balance type

Describes the balance type:

Unlimited copying allowed
No limit on the number of copies that a user can make.
Maximum pages (total)
User is allowed to create a combined number of both black and white and color pages.
Maximum pages (separate Color/BW
User is allowed to create specified numbers of color and black and white pages.
Balance (share printing balance)
Printing and copying consume the same balance.
Balance (separate)
Printing and copying consume separate balances.
Total pages

Specifies the total number of both color and black and white pages that a user can print during a refresh period.

This field is available when Maximum pages (total) is specified for Copy balance type.

Color pages

Specifies the number of color pages that a user can print during a refresh period.

This field is available when Maximum pages (separate Color/BW) is specified for Copy balance type.

BW pages

Specifies the number of black and white pages that a user can print during a refresh period.

This field is available when Maximum pages (separate Color/BW) is specified for Copy balance type.

Initial copying balance

The amount that users who are assigned this profile are allowed to expend on copying during the interval specified by Refresh Period.

This option is available when Balances (separate) is specified for Copy balance type.

Important: This option should not be set to 0 for Remaining Copy Balance to display the correct information when a user performs a copy job.
Refresh Period (all)

Specifies that period in which initial balances or page numbers are consumed. Balances or page numbers are renewed at the beginning of each new period.