Checklist: Unified Client for Samsung Smart UX implementation

This checklist should evolve based on the experience you gain from performing deployments. You might also want to perform custom checks that are based on a specific aspect of your network architecture or environment.
Table 1. Samsung Smart UX Deployment Checklist
Check Description See

Confirm that your system meets requirements.

Confirm that you have all of the relevant documentation for the reference.

For AutoStore capture functionality, configure the Samsung SmartUX in an AutoStore workflow using the AutoStore Process Designer.

  • Samsung SmartUX component help in AutoStore Process Designer.

To use Equitrac as the Print Manager, or to enable scanning using Equitrac, configure the Samsung Smart UX embedded type on the Equitrac server.

Note: If you are deploying a large fleet of devices, we recommend that you apply the typical embedded licenses for the devices before installing the embedded application. Otherwise, the software can be licensed after the application is installed on the device. See Licensing Unified Client for Samsung Smart UX

Download the Unified Client for Samsung Smart UX installation package from the Equitrac Partner Portal and add it to the DRS server.

Add a DRS application for Unified Client for Samsung Smart UX.

Add or import a Unified Client for Samsung Smart UX Device in DRS.

Note: Ensure you have administrator credentials to access all MFPs where the client is deployed.

Install and configure Unified Client for Samsung Smart UX.