Reference This section describes options for the Unified Client for Samsung Smart UX objects and documents return and status codes. Application properties A Device Registration Service application profile for the Unified Client for Samsung Smart UX specifies connection information for an AutoStore server and a Print Manager server. This information allows an MFP or MFD to use capture and print management services on these servers. Unified Client for Samsung Smart UX device properties Unified Client for Samsung Smart UX device properties are configured in the Device Registration Service web console. When configured for a device group, they can be propagated to any device in the group. Files tab The Files tab in the Device Registration Service web client lists available Samsung Smart UX installation packages for devices. A package in this list may be specified in the DRS device configuration for a Samsung Smart UX device. Unified Client for Samsung Smart UX actions reference Actions that can be performed from the Device Registration Service for a Unified Client for Samsung Smart UX device. An action can be performed on a single device or on all devices in a group. Unified Client for Samsung Smart UX return codes Unified Client for Samsung Smart UX return codes appear for device actions that you perform through Device Registration Service. Action Status Codes The codes in this topic may be displayed after completing an action. Quick Start