Configuring Workflows

A variety of scan-related, system-managed, and device-managed workflow types can be configured in System Manager. Workflows can be configured to be accessible to all users, or only available to users assigned to specific departments.

Common scan workflows can be configured for email, network and user folders, RightFax and SharePoint servers. System-managed and device-manged workflows are configurable, and can be used to create icons to be added to workflow containers allowing quick access to the specific functions at the device.

To create a workflow, do the following:

  1. In System Configuration, select Global Configuration Settings > Workflows and Scanning > Workflow Management.

    When the Workflow Management dialog box first opens, a list of pre-configured workflows is displayed. Any of these can be edited to suit the scanning needs of the organization. Additionally, custom scan-related, system-managed and device-managed workflows can be created.

  2. In the Workflow management dialog box, click Add (or select an existing workflow from the list) to open the Workflow definition dialog box.
  3. Enter a Name for the workflow which users can select as a destination option at the MFP.
  4. Click the Active checkbox to enable the workflows to be available to use.
  5. From the Scope drop-down list, select either Departmental or Global. Global workflows are accessible to all users, while Departmental workflows are available to users assigned to a specific department.
    Note: Departmental workflows must be Active in order to apply them at the department level. Inactive workflows are listed in the Department properties, but cannot be applied. See Working with Departments.
  6. From the Destination drop-down list, select one of the following workflow types:
    • Scan workflows - contain configurable attributes to define the scan elements and output formats.
      • Scan to Email
      • Scan to Network Folder
      • SharePoint
      • RightFax
    • System-managed workflows - create icons on specific devices for quick access to the system-enabled functions. These are non-configurable predefined workflows that can be added to any workflow container.
      • Follow-You Printing
      • Release All
      • External application
    • Device-managed workflows - add icons to any workflow container to provide direct access to the specific device native function.
      • MFP Native Copy Function
      • MFP Native Fax Function
      • MFP Native Scan Function
    Note: Scan destination Network folders must be created by the system administrator. Equitrac does not automatically create Network folders, and they must already exist in order for them to be specified in a scan workflow.
  7. When configuring a scan workflow, select the Scan Destination Attributes from the Insert Token drop-down list.
    1. Add any of the following attribute elements, and then click OK to save the default value.
      Element Description
      Date User session date
      Time User session time
      User name Logged in User name
      User’s email User’s configured email address
      User’s home scan folder User’s configured home scan folder
      Billing Code User’s billing code
      Device name Name of the scan device
      Device IP IP address of the scan device
      System email System configured email address
      User Input  
      Note: You can click and drag the element to change its order in the attribute element list. Click the "x" on the attribute element to remove it from the list.
    2. Select a value for the attribute
      • Read only prevents users from changing the attribute on the scan destination detail screen at the MFP.
      • Hidden hides the attribute from users at the MFP. Hidden attributes are automatically also marked as Read only.
      • Editable allows the user to change the attribute at the MFP.
      Note: When defining a RightFax scan workflow, the Fax numbers default value must be entered as one continuous block of numbers with no spaces or character separators. Multiple fax numbers must be separated with a semicolon ";" with no spaces. For example, 5195551234;5195556789;5195552468.
  8. Select the Image preferences button to set the scan workflow resolution and type.
    1. From the Resolution drop-down list, select the DPI for the specified scan workflow. Alternatively, select Default to use the global scan resolution set in the Scan configuration dialog.
    2. From the Scan type drop-down list, select Color or Monochrome for the specified scan workflow. Alternatively, select Default to use the global scan type set in the Scan configuration dialog.
  9. Click the Scan Output file size button to define the scan file size settings.
    1. Enter a Max File Size value in MB for the scan output file.
    2. If the scan output file size is larger than the Max file size, you can split the scan file into separate parts. Enter a Numbering delimiter to add to the scan name to distinguish the split files while still maintaining the original scan name. For example, a split file may be named MyScan_01, MyScan_02, MyScan_03.
      File splitting is only supported for PDF and TIFF formats.
    3. Select the Delimiter position as a Prefix or Suffix to the file name.
    4. Click OK.
  10. Click the Output formats button to view the list of available scan output formats.
    1. Select the scan output formats that will be available to users at the scanner.
    2. In the Scan Delivery Format section, select any options from the Prompt for format drop-down list.
    3. Select the Default format from the drop-down list. This list is populated with the selected Prompt for formats.
      Format Description OCR
      MFP’s output Deliver the unaltered file provided by the MFP.  
      PDF (Image) Basic PDF (not searchable).  
      PDF (Searchable) Basic Searchable PDF. X
      TIFFs (Single pages) Single tiff image per page scanned.  
      TIFF (Multi-page) Single tiff file that contains multiple pages in the file.  
      JPEGs Single JPEG image for each page scanned.  
      PNGs Single PNG graphics file for each page scanned.  
      PDF (Searchable, MRC) Searchable PDF with additional compression. Useful for black and white documents with a large amount of text. X
      PDF (Searchable, PDF/A) Searchable PDF meeting PDF/A-1b Archiving Standards. X
      RTF - Formatted text Rich Text Format output for Mac and WordPad. Includes basic text formatting such as bold, italic, and paragraph breaks. X
      RTF - True page Rich Text Format matches most closely with the scanned text, but is more difficult to edit. X
      RTF - Flowing page Uses RTF formatting to simplify editing, but does not match as closely to the original. X
      Word (.docx) - True page Word 2007 and 2010 - Matches most closely with the scanned text, but is more difficult to edit. X
      Word (.docx) - Flowing page Word 2007 and 2010 - Uses Word formatting to simplify editing, but does not match as closely to the original. X
      Excel (.xls) Excel 2000 to 2003. X
      Excel (.xlsx) Excel 2007 to 2010. X
      XPS (Searchable) Searchable XPS (Microsoft’s Portable Document Format). X
      Text Unicode text with no line breaks (line breaks added at the end of paragraphs, but not on the actual line of text). X
      PDF/A (image) PDF meeting PDF/A-1b Archiving Standards.  
      Note: SPE produces DOCX, XLSX and XPS output files only if .NET Framework v4 is installed. DOC format (Word 2000 -2003) is not supported in Equitrac 6.0.
    4. In the Email Output section, select the Compress email attachments to a single zip file checkbox to bundle multiple scans into a zip file prior to delivery.
    5. In the Limit email file attachments to field, enter the maximum file size allowable for an email attachment.
    6. From the Optimize OCR drop-down list, select the quality of OCR processing. You can select to run OCR for <Default> (xxx), Speed, Balanced or Accuracy. The Accuracy setting requires more processing time and resources.
      The "xxx" part of the "<Default> (xxx)" item is the value which is selected in the Scan configuration dialog. The <Default> (xxx) item is the default for a new scanning workflow.
    7. Click OK to return to the Workflow definitiondialog box.
    8. In the Other settings section, select any additional functional options for the defined workflow.
      Scan workflows Function
      Auto logout when done Upon scan completion, the logged in user is logged out.
      Auto start scan Allows the Scan Settings options and Job Details screens to be bypassed, allowing a scan to proceed immediately upon selecting a scan workflow.
      Auto done scan Allows scanning to automatically complete after the last page has scanned. This setting can be configured on a per workflow bases and is configured with System Manager.
      Skip prompt screens with defaults Allows users to bypass all scan data entry screens. Rather than enter data, the scan job uses default entries. Job details can still be changed by selecting the “job details” button on the scan screen.
      Replay prompts on scan another document An Administrator can select whether subsequent scans re-use user supplied job details, or re-use the default values including new Time and Date fields.
  11. Click OK to save the workflow.
  12. Click OK again when the all the desired workflows have been configured.