How to create a configuration template

To reuse a configuration, or the tasks in a configuration, you can save it as a configuration template (CTF) file.

Always store your template under the template subdirectory. You can view this location by clicking the FileAPD Options button on the ribbon in AutoStore Process Designer. The template directory is specified by the Template directory option in the Options dialog box. Remember that a template contains all the processing parameters, including task names and attributes.

Process template files stored in the AutoStore template directory appear on the New and Add menus on the Home tab of the Process Designer ribbon. A template in a subfolder in the template folder appears on a cascading menu on the New and Add menus with the hierarchy of subfolder names.

Tip: Always store template that you want to be available in AutoStore Process Designer in the template directory. The template directory is specified by the Template Directory option in the Options dialog box. To verify or change the template, click the File tab on the ribbon, and then click the APD Options button. For more information, see APD Options dialog box.
  1. Make sure that the configuration you want to use shows in the Process Designer workspace.
  2. On the Home tab of the ribbon, click the Save menu, and then click Save As.
    You can instead click the File tab, and then click Save As.
  3. Browse to the template folder or to a folder in the template folder.
  4. In the File name box, type the template file name that you want to use.
    Make sure to remove the .cfg extension if it is appended to the file name.
    Tip: Define and stick to a file naming convention to organize and keep track of your configuration files and templates.
  5. Int the Save as type box, click CTF Template (*.ctf) as the file type.
  6. Click the Save button.