Basic Form Settings dialog box

This dialog box allows you to configure a basic form. The basic form settings are also available in the other form types.

To add a form, configure settings on the following tabs.

General tab

Option Description
Name The name of the form will be displayed in the forms screen of the OSA application, so use a text that describes the function of the form.  For example:  If this form is used to send to the user’s home directory then you can name the form Scan to User’s Home Directory.  The maximum number of characters allow in the form name is 25.
Single Touch mode Select this check box to start the scan immediately after the user presses the form button on a device. You can select this option if you do not want the user to enter any information about the document.
Access Control This group of settings regulates access policy to the form. The options are:
  • Public Access — If this option is selected, all users can see and use the form.
  • Restricted Access — If this option is selected, then only users in the Allowed Users/Groups list can see and use the form. If a user belongs to a group in the list then this user can see the form.

When the authentication type is Windows, you can use the browse button (...) to select Windows groups or users. The browse button is disabled for all other authentication types.

Group membership is determined by the authentication type:
  • Windows — Determined by the Windows Groups that this user belongs to.
  • NetWare — Groups are not supported.
  • Custom Script — Determined by the Groups collection of the UserInfo object that represents the authenticated user.  For details on the object model used in authentication scripts see the Sharp MFP (OSA) Scripting documentation.
Scanning Settings Configure the default settings for the scanned document. The available settings are:
  • File Format — The following file types are supported PDF, TIFF, JPEG, and Encrypted PDF.  Note that the AR series devices do not support JPEG and Encrypted PDF file formats, so the device default will then be used if one of these types is selected as default.
  • Resolution — 100, 200, 300, 400, or 600 dpi.  Note that the AR series devices do not support 100 dpi, so the device default will then be used if this value is selected as the default.
  • Number of Sides — Provide a default value for the Number of Sides; 2-Sides setting indicate duplex scanning.
  • The following settings only apply to MX devices:
    • Color Mode — This can be one of the following values:
      • Auto: If this option is selected the device will detect if there are any color pages in which case the document will be scanned using the Full Color option. If no color pages are detected, the document will be scanned using the Black and White option.
      • Full Color
      • Black and White
      • Grayscale
    • Color Document Quality: Select the default quality for the document, low quality generates smaller documents and high quality generates larger documents.  Note that this option is ignored when the Color Mode is Black and White since Black and White documents are always scanned at the same quality.
  • Job Build — Select this box if documents to be scanned consists of multiple pages that must be scanned as one scan job.
Dynamic Form

You can modify the standard behavior of a form by responding to events.  Some of the things you can do by enabling dynamic form are:

  • Add and remove fields.
  • Change field contents (Example: load the contents of a list field from a database).
  • Change form scan settings.
  • Validate field contents before the document is scanned into AutoStore.
  • Enable Dynamic Form — Select this check box to enable dynamic forms.
  • Script Path — Path to the VB.NET script that contains the code to respond to form and field events. An existing script can be selected by clicking the browse button (...) next to the Script Path box.
  • Edit Script Code — Click this button to open the script editor with basic script code. For details on the script editor window and the object model used to respond to form and field events, click the help button in the script editor window or refer to the Sharp MFP (OSA) Script documentation.
  • Raise event when — Select form events to be raised.
    • Form is loaded — Raise an event on the server every time the user enters the form.
    • Form is submitted — Raise an event on the server every time the user presses Scan in the form.
  • Run as device logged in user — Select this check box to attempt to run the script with the privileges of the logged in user. Typically this is selected when the logged on user would have privileges that are not assigned to the user name that is running the workflow. This check box is only available if the group requires authentication and the configured authentication mode is Windows.

Fields tab

Option Description
Name Type the name of the field.  The name can be any combination of alphanumeric characters.  Special characters (for example, ~, !, @, #, $, %) are not allowed.  The maximum number of supported characters for this field is 15.
Display Type an alternative text to represent the field in the MFP panel.  If this entry is left empty for a field, then the field name will be displayed to users.
Type Choose how the data for the field will be collected. The following field types are supported:
  • Text — Use this field to allow users to enter unformatted text into a text box such as sentences, names, numbers, date, and time.
  • List — Use this field to present users with a list of choices from which users select the desired item.
  • Tree — Use this field to present users with a list of choices in a tree from which users select the desired item.
  • Checkbox — Use this field to allow users to set yes/no or true/false values by adding or removing a check mark from a small square box.
(required) Select the check box in this column if the user must enter a value for the field.
(notify server) Select the Notify Server when Field Changes check box to make the field trigger an event when the value of the field changes.  You can respond to this event in the script that was configured for the dynamic form section in the general tab.  For details on how to respond to form and field events refer to the Sharp MFP OSA Scripting documentation.
(properties) Configure the properties for a field by clicking the browse button (...) in this column. A properties window will be displayed based on the field type.

Components tab

This tab allows users to configure process and route components. To configure a component, click the browse button (...) in the properties () column. This displays the configuration window of the component. Refer to the help for the component for instruction to configure its properties.