How to configure Kofax Unified Client for Toshiba v 1.0 preferences

This procedure describes how to configure preferences for the Kofax Unified Client for Toshiba v 1.0 component after it has been added as the capture component to an AutoStore task.

  1. In the Toshiba Unified Client properties dialog box, click the Preferences tab.
  2. In the Home Directory box, enter the root directory where the server will create all temporary directories and files necessary for running the application.
    The service account for the service must have full control permission in this directory.
  3. In the Web Server Port box, enter the port on which the web application will be running.
    The default is 3310.
  4. Select the Use SSL check box to secure the connection to the web server using the Secure Sockets Layer protocol.
    1. From the Choose Certificate option list, select to browse for an existing certificate or to create a new self-signed certificate.
    2. In Certificate Password, enter the password for the certificate.
      If you created a self-signed certificate, this value will be automatically entered into the field based on the information you provided when creating the certificate.
  5. In the FTP Port box, enter the port on which the embedded FTP server will be running.
    This will be used to receive files from the device over FTP.
  6. Select the Processed Files check box to keep a copy of all files that are processed without errors.
    • Enter the directory where these files will be kept.
    Important: If this option is enabled, a copy of every file that has been routed successfully is saved in the Processed Files directory.  Make sure that sufficient disk storage is allocated if you select this option.
  7. Select Rejected Files to keep a copy of all files that failed to be process entirely.
    • Enter the directory where these files will be kept.
    Important: The service account for the service must have write permissions on the Processed Files and Rejected Files directories.