Adding and editing forms in a group

Add a basic form

  1. Highlight Common Group and Select Add Form and then Select Basic Form.
  2. Type the name of the form in the Name box.
    The name of the form will be displayed in the forms screen of the application, so use a text that describes the function of the form.
    For example: If this form is used to send to the user’s home directory then you can name the form Scan to User’s Home Directory. The maximum number of characters allowed in the form name is 36.
  3. Select Single Touch mode if you do not want the user to enter any information about the document.
    This causes the scan to start immediately after the user presses the form button on the device.
  4. Configure the default settings for the scanned document.

Restricting Access to a Form

If authentication is required for the group containing this form, then you can restrict which users can use the form.
  1. Select either Common Group or the name of the created group and then click Add Menu.
  2. Enter a unique name for the menu name.
  3. Optional: You can specify an icon image may be displayed for the menu on the device.
    Option Description
    Image type PNG or GIF with transparent background.
    Dimensions 44x44 pixels
    Maximum size 24 KB
  4. Specify access to the form.
    Public Access Allows all users to use the form.
    Restricted Access Allows only users in the Allowed Users/Groups list to use the form. If a user belongs to a group in the list then this user can see the form (see group membership criteria below).
    Note: When the authentication type is Windows, you can use the browse button () to select Windows groups or users. The browse button is disabled for other authentication types.

How to add a dynamic form

You can modify the standard behavior of a form by responding to events. Some of the things you can do by enabling dynamic form are:

  • Add and remove fields.
  • Change field contents (for example, load the contents of a list field from a database).
  • Change form scan settings.
  • Validate field contents before the document is scanned into the server.
  1. Click Common Group, then on the Add Form menu, click one of the forms.
  2. In form settings dialog box, select the Enable Dynamic Form check box.
  3. In the Script Path box, enter the path to the VB.NET script that contains the code to respond to form and field events.
    To Do this
    Use an existing script. Click the browse button (...).
    Edit a script Click the Edit Script Code button to open a script editor window.

    For details about the script editor and the object model used to respond to create and handle events, click the help button Help button in the script editor to view the Ricoh SOP Component Scripting Guide.

  4. Select check boxes next to form events that must be responded to.
    Select check box To
    Form is loaded Raises an event every time the user enters the form.
    Form is submitted Raises an event every time the user presses Scan in the form.
  5. Select the Run as device logged in user check box if you need the script to run under the authentication context of the logged on user.
    Whenever possible, specify user names and passwords in your script. Use this option only in cases where you need to access a system that requires explicit identification. Use available .Net technologies such as encrypting to hide the passwords from view when editing the script.
    This option is only available if the group requires authentication and the configured authentication mode is Windows.

How to add fields to a form

  1. Click the Fields tab to view the fields list.
  2. In the Name column, type the name of the field.
    The name can be any combination of alphanumeric characters. Special characters (for example, ~, !, @, #, $, %) are not allowed. The maximum number of supported characters for this field is 64.
  3. In the Display column, type an alternative text to represent the field in the MFP panel.
    If Display column is left empty, then the field name will be used instead.
  4. Choose how the data for the field will be collected by selecting an option from the Type column. The following field types are supported:
    Field Type Usage
    Text Allows users to enter unformatted text into a text box such as sentences, names, numbers, date, and time.
    List Presents users with a list of choices from which users select the desired item.
    Tree Presents users with choices they can select from in tree from.
    Checkbox Allows users to set yes/no or true/false values by selecting or clearing a check box.
    Numeric Allows users to enter numeric values.
    Date Allows users to enter date values based on selected date formats.
    Lookup List Allow users to dynamically retrieve values from an ODBC Data Source
    Label Displays informative text on a form.
    Button Allows users to click a button to trigger customized events on the server that manipulate a form.
    You can click the browse button (...) in the last column of the table to configure properties for field. This displays a properties dialog box with settings for the field type.
  5. Select the check box in the required field Required field icon column if the user must enter a value for the field.
  6. Select the check box in the notify server on change Notify server on change column to trigger an event when the value of the field changes.
    You can respond to this event in the script that was configured for the dynamic form section in the general tab. For details on how to respond to form and field events refer to the Ricoh SOP Component Scripting Guide.
  7. To remove a field form the form, click in the first column to select the field row, and then press the Delete key.

How to configure, process, and route components

  1. Click the Components tab to display the components list, and then click the Properties button.
    This displays the configuration window for the component. Refer to the help for the component for instructions to configure.
  2. Select a component by clicking the leftmost column next to each component
  3. Click on the browse button (...) in the configure column Configure column icon to display settings for the component.

How to add a Send to Email form

Use a Send to Email form when you need to send the document to an email destination. A Send to Email form is used in conjunction with the Send to Mail Recipient component.
  1. Click Common Group and then click Add Form > Send to Email Form.
  2. Configure the name and scan settings for the form in the same way as for a basic form.
  3. Click the Send to Email Fields tab and configure the form options.
    For more information, see Email form.

How to add a Send to Folder form

Use a Send to Folder form when you need to send the document to a folder destination. A Send to Folder form is used in conjunction with the Send to Folder and Send to Folder eConnector components.

  1. Go to the Groups tab. Select the group where you want to add the form to and click Add Form > Send to Folder Form.
  2. Configure the name and scan settings for the form in the same way as for a basic form.
  3. Go to the Send to Folder tab and configure the
    1. In the Base Directory box enter the location of the directory that the user can browse to select the destination of the document.
    2. In the Default Document Name box, type the default name that will be used for the document name field.
  4. Configure the components in the same way as for a basic form.
  5. Click OK to save the form.

How to add a Send to SharePoint form

The SharePoint 2007 or SharePoint 2010 component must be installed before you can use a Send to SharePoint form.
Use a Send to SharePoint form when you need to send the document to a SharePoint 2007 or SharePoint 2010 server. This type of form allows users to browse document libraries, folders and list values at the device. A Send to SharePoint form is used in conjunction with the Send to SharePoint 2007/2010 eConnector and route components.
  1. Click the Groups tab.
  2. Select the group where you want to add the form to and click Add Form > Send to SharePoint Form.
  3. Configure the name and scan settings for the form in the same way as for a basic form.
  4. Click the SharePoint Document Library Settings tab and configure theSharePoint form settings.
  5. Configure the components in the same way as for a basic form.
    Use the special RRTs provided to configure a Send to SharePoint 2007 and Send to SharePoint 2010 or a similar component.
  6. Click OK to save the form.

How to save a form as a template

  1. Click the Groups tab.
  2. Right-click the form you want to save, and click Save as Template on the shortcut menu.
  3. Enter the location where you want to save the template.
    If dynamic form is enabled then you have the option of copying the associated .Net script to the same location where the template will be saved.
  4. Select Save.
    If the operation is successful you will see a message indicating that the template was saved.

How to create a form from a template

  1. Click the Groups tab.
  2. Click on the group where you want to add the form.
  3. Click Add Form > From Template.
  4. In the Template file box, enter the location of the template.
    This must specify a form template saved previously with Save as Template.
  5. In the Dynamic Form script file box, enter the location of the .Net script file associated to the template.
  6. Click Create.

How to edit a form

You can perform the following actions to edit forms.
To Do this
Edit a form Click the form to select it, then click the Edit button. You can also either double-click a form or right-click a form and click Edit.
Cut or Copy a form Right-click the form and click Cut or Copy on the shortcut menu.
Paste a form To paste a form that has been cut or copied, right-click a group or menu, and click Paste on the shortcut menu.
Delete a form Click the form to select it, and then click the Remove button.
Reorder forms A form can be moved up or moved down with respect to how the form is displayed on the device panel. Right-click the form and click Move Up or Move Down on the shortcut menu.