Create a rule to send to AutoStore

  1. On the Rules and Routing screen, expand the newly created rule set.
  2. In the Name field, enter a name for the rule.
  3. In the Type list, select Apply this rule to server and workstation direct IP printing. This is the default.
  4. In the Action list, select Redirect this job to AutoStore.
  5. Enter the URL of the server where AutoStore is installed.
  6. In the Workflow list, select the name of the AutoStore workflow you want this Equitrac rule to use in AutoStore. This configuration has to include a capture component of type Workflow Job Submission. The names acquired from AutoStore are the workflow names, not their configuration names.
    Note: If you want to route your document from Equitrac to Business Connect, you must have an existing AutoStore workflow that routes documents to Business Connect. Then, at this step, select the workflow which routes the documents to Business Connect.
  7. In the Condition(s) section, add any additional conditions that you want to set up to control when this rule will be activated.
  8. Click Save to close this window.