
This section provides the steps required to install Equitrac Office/Express on a single machine. A “Local” installation places all Equitrac Office/Express server components and Administrative Applications on a single machine. This type of installation is appropriate for small site deployment.

When installing Equitrac Office/Express, the installation wizard allows you to select the server components and features to install per machine. For a local installation, install all server components on the same machine. If you are installing all components on a single machine, you only need to run the wizard once. When installing Equitrac Office/Express on a single machine, you can use either the Simple install to obtain a default set of server components and features, or the Standard install to customize the desired components and features to suit your environment. Both methods can be modified after installation. For information on more complex scenarios, such as installing Equitrac across multiple machines, refer to the Equitrac Office and Express Installation Guide.

Single machine installation

When installing Equitrac Office/Express, the installation wizard allows you to select the server components and features to install per machine. For a local installation, install all server components on the same machine. If you are installing all components on a single machine, you only need to run the wizard once. When installing Equitrac Office/Express on a single machine, you can use either the Simple install to obtain a default set of server components and features, or the Standard install to customize the components and features to suit your environment. Both methods can be modified after installation.