How to configure a device to use SSL for Web Services (OpenAPI)

Create a self-signed certificate in security tab

  1. Open a web browser and log on to the MFP as an administrator.
  2. Click the Security tab and click SSL Setting.
    The following page appears if the certificate is not installed:
    SSL/TLS information
  3. Click the Security tab and click Device Certificate Setting.
  4. Add entries to Create and install a self-signed certificate.
    Create self signed certificate options
  5. Specify Device Certificate List.
    Device certificate settings
  6. Click OK.
    Do not close the browser while the system generates the certificate.
  7. If your browser indicates that the security certificate is not valid, accept the certificate to continue with Set up OpenAPI to use SSL.

Set up OpenAPI to use SSL

  1. Click the Network tab and click OpenAPI Setting.
  2. Select Use SSL Only and click OK.
    Note: This automatically uses port 50003.
  3. Click OK.