Physical Device Output Settings

To configure a physical device output settings, do the following:

  1. In Devices, select Physical Devices and select a device from the list.
  2. Select Output in the Settings menu to configure the port settings, release behavior, advanced settings and print driver assignments.
    1. In Port Settings, select one of the following print protocols:
      • Select Raw and set the Raw port number to 9100. This is the default setting.
        • Raw is standard TCP/IP printing.
      • Select LPR and enter an LPR queue name for the device.
        • LPR is a Line Printer Remote protocol used for Unix printing to submit print jobs to a remote printer.
      • Select IPP and enter the IPP URL for the device.
        • IPP is an Internet Printing Protocol used for communication between client devices and printers or print servers.
    2. If print jobs are sent to the device using an alternate network address - not the one specified in the Hostname/IP address field, set the alternate network address to the Proxy IP address field.
    3. Under Release Behavior, select the DRE server where print jobs can be released for this device. The deafult it Release to all DRE servers, but you can override this option and select a DRE from in the Release only on these DRE servers drop-down list.
    4. Enter the name of the Separator page, including the .sep file extension, in order to print a specific separator before each job released from this queue. A separator page is not applied by default. See Setting up a Print Separator Page.
    5. Assign the device to a routing group from the Routing group list.
    6. Select the Workstation Routable check box for all Windows DRCs to render I-Queue jobs locally and send the jobs to the MFP.
      Select this option only if every DRC can communicate with the physical device. If this option is not set, the Windows DRCs renders the job only if a local printer queue exists, otherwise the job is pulled to a remote DRE for printing. This option has no effect for DRE.
    7. Select the Notification page check box, to notify the users when print errors occur on this port. See Selecting Notification Methods for more details.
    8. In the Advanced Settings, select the Compression format for the print job as None or GZIP.
      Note: GZIP compression allows devices that are capable of printing GZIP compressed files to receive the print jobs from DRE.
    9. If using GZIP compression, select a Compression level (Default, Best or Fast) for the print jobs. The least compression results in a faster transfer speed from DRE to the device. The more the file is compressed, the longer it takes to transfer.
      • Default – high compression at slower than the fastest transfer speed.
      • Best – highest compression at the slowest transfer speed.
      • Fast – least compression at the fastest transfer speed.
      Note: When using GZIP compression, ensure that the Print compressed data setting is enabled at the MFP.
    10. The Hardware page counting (PJL) option only applies to PJL compatible devices, and only when the Protocol is set to RAW. When enabled, if the user cancels printing mid-job or there is a printer error, Equitrac combines the information from the Datastream Interpreter (DSI) and the PJL page count to determine accurate page counts and document details. When disabled, Equitrac uses only the DSI page counting method configured at the physical device level.
    11. The LPR byte counting option applies when the Protocol is set to LPR. When enabled, Windows counts the number of bytes in the file sent to print.
      Enabling PJL or LPR counitng may cause slow printing.
    12. To set the Print Driver Assignment, click the Edit icon beside the OS version from the list and do the following:
      • Select the OS version Package name from the drop-down list. This is the print driver package containing the driver INF file.
      • Select the OS version Driver name from the drop-down list and click OK. This is the name of the driver from the INF file associated with the MFP model. The INF file can contain multiple driver names.
      See Setting up the Print Driver Repository for managing print drivers.
  3. Click Save to save the physical device output settings.