Import LRS Transactions
The EQLRSVPSXImport.exe utility imports transactions from LRS. Equitrac installs this utility by default on the accounting server in the Program Files\Nuance\Equitrac\Tools folder.
The command-line utility accepts commands in the following format:
EQLRSVPSXImport.exe -f <filename> -a <acct_srv>
VPSX transactions must be imported into Equitrac from a .csv file with the following fields:
Prt_tcphost, Owner, Job Name, Ctime, Field not used, JobPages, Col, Duplex, Field not used, Pagesize , Field not used, Field not used, Guid
Example:, jdoe, doc123, 2010/06/24T10:12:10, XXX, 5, y, n, XXX, A4, XXX, XXX, 1a1b1c1d1e