Configuring Follow-You Printing
- In System Configuration, select Global Configuration Settings > Printing > DRE/DRC and Follow-You Printing.
- In Print Servers, click Default or the server where you want Follow-You Printing to be accessible from.
In the General Settings section, do the following:
- Release key jobs specifies how to handle these jobs in the print queue after they are released—either Delete after release or Keep until expiry. Delete after release is the default value for this field.
- In the Number of ports per I-Queue field, enter the number of printer ports (up to 100) associated with the devices used for I-Queue printing. This configures the number of ports assigned to the Windows print queue and allows multiple print jobs to be processed at the same time. One is the default value for this field.
- Select the Retrieve username from PJL checkbox for applications that insert the PJL string into the print job.
Select the Auto populate user's home print
server checkbox, if you want the home print server to
override the DRE print server that manages the users print jobs.
DRE/DRC updates and auto populates the user's Home print server with the hostname of the DRE/DRC at time of print submission.
- When the user logs into an embedded device, the user's Home print server is retrieved from CAS.
- If the user submitted the print request and had logged into the embedded device when CAS was available, then this information is cached to allow the Home print server to be contacted if CAS is unavailable at login time.
- After successfully submitting a job to a print queue, the user can print when CAS is unavailable and use DCE for print release. HA uses a Service Discovery to ensure that DCE gets a list of DRCs that it can communicate to get the user’s print queues.
- SLP is used by DCE to locate DRE/DRCs that hold user documents. And if SLP is unavailable then users printing to an I-Queue printer receive the I-Queue Direct dialog to print directly to the printer instead of holding the document in the print queue for release. This allows remote users to print documents if access to the data center that contains CAS is unavailable.
This highly available serverless print submission ensures that the end user can successfully submit a job to a print queue, even when CAS or SLP are not available.
In the Pricing section, you can select the following
- Cost the job before printing: sets the price to a print job based on its properties.
- Reprice after release: changes the price of a print job if its properties change after it is released.
In the Job expiration section, do the following:
- Enter the Job lifetime before auto-deletion (in hours).
- Enter the Print distribution job lifetime before auto-deletion (in hours).
In the Security section, do the following:
- Select Enabled or Disabled as the global Secure printing default setting for Follow-You Printing.
- Select the Only release job while user is logged into device check box, for a situation where the user logs off prior to printing the job, the job is put back into the print queue without being released, and the re-queued print job is not charged to the user.
- Select the Hide document name in Windows print window check box, if you do not want certain documents (e.g. confidential) from being viewed in the general print queue.
- Click Apply to save the settings.