Configure the Equitrac Application

After installation, you can configure the embedded application settings.

  1. Enter http://<MFP IP>:8000/Equitrac/Config in the Address field and login when prompted to open the device’s configuration page.
  2. In the IP/Domain field, enter the IP address or DNS name of the Equitrac DCE server.
  3. In the Add Property File section, click Browse to select any relevant Property Files, such as as a hotfix. Click Upload to import the selected files from their network location to the device. The interface lists any Current Property Files installed on this device.
  4. Console Output enables or disables debug logging on the device. If you change this setting, click Update.
  5. In the Change System IDs and Passwords section, you can edit the Canon System Manager access and print control settings. Click Update beside any field to apply any new values.

Field Description
System Manager ID

The ID required to access administrative functions on the device.

The ID you enter here must match the ID configured on the device. If this ID does not match the System Manager ID, you cannot access the device’s administrative functions.

System Manager Password

The password required to access administrative functions on the device.

The password you enter here must match the password configured on the device. If this password does not match the System Manager password, you cannot access the device’s administrative functions.

Department ID The default Canon Department ID that controls and tracks printing during device sessions with normal users.
Department Password The default Canon Department Password that will control and track printing during device sessions with normal users.
Department Support Enabled

Select this option if you want the Equitrac Embedded application to support multiple Canon departments.

The department personal identification numbers (PINs) that are stored on the Equitrac server must match the Canon Department IDs. If they do not match, users can only log in using the default Canon Department ID. Use at own risk.

  1. In the Change Password fields, you can modify the Admin password. Click Change Password to update the new password.
  2. Under Third-Party Application Login ID, enter a User Name to identify an account that third-party applications can use for remote scans, and click Update. Transactions logged under this third-party User ID will be reassigned to the Equitrac User Account that is signed in at the time of the scan.
  3. Under Scan to email originator, enter a valid email address to use as the From address for email messages that include scanned documents.
  4. To Reset Log Indexes, click Reset.
    Note: The Reset Log Indexes button is not available on the console configuration page. It is only available via the web browser.