Obtaining Device Application Logs from the Device

Device Application Logs can be gathered from the device directly using a java console application. This approach to gathering Device Application Logs is the most robust, and the most difficult to setup. This approach will fail if the application is not installed, or there is no network connection to the device. You must be able to ping the device before using this approach.

To use these instructions you have to acquire a copy of Console.jar from Equitrac Support Services.

In order to enable console logging, there are some prerequisites. You need access to a workstation (PC) with privileges to install software, and physical network access. You need to configure the MFP, and the login application.

On the PC, install Sun Java version j2re-1_4_2_15-windows-i586-p.exe.

  1. Logout of any running login applications.
  2. Press Reset.
  3. Press and hold Counter Check for 4 seconds, and then release.
  4. Enter 3210, and press ID. The button “beeps”. If the button does not beep, repeat steps 2 - 4.
  5. Press Counter Check. The button beeps and a login window opens.
  6. Enter 9876 and press OK.
  7. Turn on Console Debugging.

  1. Open a web browser, and enter http://<MFP IP>:8000/Equitrac/Config in the address field and login when prompted to open the device’s configuration page. (If SSL is enabled, enter https://<MFP IP>:8443/Equitrac/Config).
  2. In the Console Output section, select the Enabled checkbox to enable debug logging on the device, and click Update.
  3. Verify the update from the message at the top of the window.
  4. Logout.

On the system with the Java Virtual Machine, do the following:

  1. Create a new directory on the system, and place the console jar file in that directory.
  2. Start a command prompt from that directory, and enter the following command line: java -jar Console.jar -host <MFP ip address or hostname>

A command window and a Console window open with the message “Connected” displayed in the Console window.