Set Xerox Secure Access Prompts

The following settings must be set before creating Xerox embedded devices.

  1. In Web System Manager, go to Global Configuration Settings > Devices > Embedded devices.
  2. Select Xerox Secure Access from the Device type list.
  3. Click on the link beside Tracked activities to open the Embedded device configuration dialog box and select the activities you want to track. If you do not wish to track any activity, uncheck all of the options.
    Note: Only select Print if you intend to use the popup feature of the Xerox print driver to prompt for User and Account IDs. See Configure MFP properties if you intend to use Xerox Secure Access as the authentication method.
  4. Enter a Title and Login prompt to display on the login screen of the embedded device.
    Note: If you modify the Title or Login prompt after a device has been initialized by the Equitrac server, you must re-initialize the device. See Configure embedded devices for instructions.
  5. Select Enable release all jobs prompt if you are not using the Follow-You Printing application and want to prompt for batch release of all jobs.
  6. Select Force logout on swipe to allow the user to logout by swiping their card a second time.
  7. Select Purge print buffer upon user logoff to stop a print job and purge it from the printer’s memory once the user logs off. Enabling this options slows the logout process.
  8. Click OK to save the changes.