Document Property Mappings tab

Use the Document property mappings tab to configure document property mappings for all of the extraction profiles. You can access this tab from the Document Properties Profile dialog box during source configuration.

Click an option you want to learn more about.


Specifies the name of the profile.


Specifies a description of the profile.

Document property mappings grid

Configures document property mapping directly in the grid. To enable document property mapping, select the Map Values check box for the property and then click in the External Field column.

Property column — Displays the document property to be mapped.

External Field column — Selects the mapping from the list. If a look up table is needed to adjust the values, click the [+] in front of the property to create or revise a lookup table. Enter the values in the Value Mappings grid as necessary.

Note: For job ticket profiles, the ticket information fields are expressed as XPath statements. XPath statements show the structure of the ticket information. It allows the ability to specify a specific instance of a field if that particular information field occurs more than once in a documents metadata. If a particular external field is not listed in the list, the XPath statement can be directly entered. For headers from data profiles, this list will be populated with the headers specified.

Map Values column — Enables document property mapping.

Unmapped Value Action column — Specifies what happens when there is a missing look up table entry. You can choose to skip the property mapping entirely, assign the external value as-is, or assign the unmapped value default.

Unmapped Value Default column — Specifies a default value.