This procedure provides the steps for configuring Output Manager with the RF IDeas
Ethernet 241 Card Reader.
You need an Ethernet Card Reader Release for third-party readers license for each
card reader.
Prepare the Output Manager RF IDeas Ethernet 241 web service.
From the Output Manager Console menu bar, select and confirm that the Ethernet
Card Reader Release for 3rd party readers flag is displayed.
If the license was recently added, reinstall and activate the license.
From the Administration section, select Set
General Preferences and click the Clients tab.
In the Client web server list, select
In the Server Port field, type
Click the Restart server check box.
Click Apply.
Prepare the printer connected to the RF IDeas Ethernet 241 Card Reader to
process a secure document.
From the Output Manager Console menu bar, select , and select the SNMP server row.
Click Configure. The SNMP Server Configuration dialog box
opens. Configure the server as required.
Click Detect readers. The Detect Readers dialog box opens.
Type the IP range that contains the printer and click OK.
Once the device has been discovered, promote it to Output Manager and
create a destination for that device.
The destination is usually named after the device DNS name.
From the Output Manager Console menu bar, select and create a new group called
IE_Secure by right-clicking on New
Group on the All Destination group folder or
Move the new destination to the IE_Secure
Right-click on the IE_Secure group and create a pending
From the Output Manager Console menu bar, select and click the Match with existing OM
destinations radio button to create a source to match to the new pending
queue in the IE_Secure group.
Using the printer properties of the new printer device, print a Test
This document is listed in the documents of the destination pending queue as
ready to print.
At the printer, find your RF IDeas card ID by tapping the RFIDeas
Ethernet 241 reader with the card. Then check the
cns entry in the most recent log in the
C:\Program Files\Nuance\Output
From the Output Manager Console menu bar, select and select the user that printed
the document.
Type the value from the cns entry to the Card ID cell and click
From the Output Manager Console menu bar, select and right-click the device connected to the RF IDeas Ethernet 241 and
click Configure.
On the Device Details tab, in the Secure release type
list, select RFIDeas241Reader.
Click Apply.
The test document is released when the card is swiped again at
the RFIDeas Ethernet 241.
Once a document has been released and you have enough licenses, a 3rd party card
reader check box on the Device Details tab is
automatically selected.
To release a license from this device, clear the 3rd party card
reader check box and click Apply. You can
then use this license for another device.