Detecting devices using SNMP

Devices can be detected on all servers that have the Output Manager SNMP Service installed. Once devices are detected, they can be associated with new Output Manager destinations.

SNMP detection can be performed automatically or manually.

Detect devices automatically using SNMP

  1. Configure SNMP services as described in Configure SNMP services.
  2. When configuring SNMP services, specify an auto-detection period value other than 00.00:00:00. This frequency period is in the format days.hours:minutes:seconds and defines when auto-detection runs.

Detect devices manually using SNMP in the Manage Devices utility

  1. After SNMP services have been configured, click Manage Devices in the Administration application.
  2. In the SNMP services section, select the check box for the SNMP server on which to detect devices.
  3. Click Detect now to open the Select Detection Ranges dialog box.
  4. Select Broadcast or IP Ranges as the detection method.

    If you select IP Ranges, specify the IP address ranges for which you want to detect devices. The dialog box contains all the ranges that have been configured for the SNMP service.

    1. Select the check boxes for the IP address ranges.
    2. If no ranges were configured for the service or the ranges that you want are not included, add them using one of the following options:
      • Click Import ranges from file to load ranges from a CSV file.
      • Add a single range at a time.
      • Click Discover next to Discover domain IP ranges to collect IP address ranges. This is a useful option if you do not know the network topology.
      Note: Ranges are merged in the list if adding a range would result in overlaps or joining boundaries.
    3. Click OK after selecting the IP ranges.

      The selected ranges are used for this manual detection, but any modifications to the list of ranges does not alter the configured ranges for the SNMP service.

      Note: During detection, addresses that do not respond to SNMP queries are scanned as web addresses for an alternate means of detecting devices. If they are successful by this alternate detection, the printer manufacturer and model are retrieved and a device is added to the Autodetected devices grid.
  5. When detection is completed, the Auto Detection Status column indicates Last completed: date time.
After detection is completed, use the method described in Organizing detected devices to create destinations.

Detect devices manually using SNMP in the Output Manager Device Wizard

  1. On the Output Manager Console menu bar, click Tools > Device Wizard.
  2. Select Detect devices via SNMP, then click Next.
  3. On the SNMP Services page, select servers on which you want to run SNMP detection.
    The grid lists all of the servers with the Output Manager SNMP Service installed.
  4. Click in the Detection Method/IP Range(s) column to open the Select Detection Ranges dialog box.
  5. Select IP address ranges as described in step 4 in Detect devices manually using SNMP in the Manage Devices utility above, then continue with the next step.
  6. Click Detect.
    This starts SNMP detection on the selected servers.
  7. When the detection is complete, perform the following steps on the SNMP Detection page to create new Output Manager destinations to be associated with the SNMP devices.
    You can change the view of the grid to show only the newly detected devices or to show all devices. Newly detected devices are devices where no destinations are yet associated with it.
    1. In the grid, select the devices that you want to be associated with new Output Manager destinations.
    2. In the Destination Type column, select the destination type you want to create. You can create IPP, LPR, or socket destinations.
    3. In the Destination Group column, select where the Output Manager Destinations will be grouped.
    4. In the Destination Server column, select the appropriate Server.
    5. Click Next.
    6. On the Confirmation of Action page, click Continue to create the destinations.
      This displays the Device Wizard Log.
    7. Optional: You can save the log file by clicking Save.
  8. Click Finish.