Device debug logs

You can enable and download job logs as shown in this section. For device logs, contact Konica Minolta for assistance.

  1. Enable job logs using the procedure for your device. (See the Konica Minolta device documentation for more assistance.)

    i Models (such as C250i and C3350i)

    1. At the device panel, select Utility > Administrator.

    2. When prompted, log on as administrator of the device.

    3. From the menu on the left, select Security > Job Log Settings > Job Log Usage Setting.

    4. Set Enable Settings to On.

    5. Select Accounting Log, Counting Log, and Audit Log.

    All other models

    1. At the device panel, select Utility > Administrator.

    2. When prompted, log on as administrator of the device.

    3. From the menu on the left, select Security > Job Log Settings > Job Log Usage Setting.

    4. Click Yes.

    5. Select Accounting Log, Counting Log, and Audit Log.

  2. Download job logs by doing the following. (These steps apply to all models.)
    1. Go to the web page for the device and log on as an administrator.
    2. Select Maintenance > Job Log > Create Job Log.
    3. From the Job Log menu, select Download Job Log.

      The job log is downloaded in XML format.