How to turn on Enhanced External Charge Unit Management

Turn on Enhanced External Charge Unit Management to activate the settings that control user access to device functions.

Important: This procedure requires working in Service Mode, which is typically performed by a Ricoh technician.
  1. On the MFP console, go to a function other than User Tools. For example, go to the Copy function.
  2. Enter SP mode options.
    This displays the SP mode options screen.
    SP mode screen
  3. Press System Sp.
    The SP mode service options appear.
    SP mode service options screen
  4. Press SP-5XXX and page down until 5113 appears.
  5. Press 5113 > 2 to show the COPY : SP-5-113-002 page.
  6. Press 1: Expansion Device 1 > OK.
  7. Press Exit.
  8. Restart the device.