Configure Equitrac Configure the authentication for the Combined Client for Ricoh component to work with Equitrac authentication. Server side configuration Configuring Secure Printing Controlled Ricoh CC MFPs must use secure printing environment. How to configure an embedded device You must create an embedded interface for each Ricoh CC MFP that will be controlled by Equitrac. The Equitrac Web System Manager component provides the tools to create these interfaces. How to configure authentication prompts The user authentication prompts on the MFP login screen are determined by your Equitrac configuration. How to configure card self-registration When a user swipes an unregistered card, they are required to manually login in order to register the card’s PIN. After the card registration a pop-up message appears with a logout button. How to configure billing codes for Combined Client for Ricoh devices How to enforce color quotas Ricoh CC can enforce limits on the number of color copies that any user can make, based on their user account quota limits. Receiving print error messages