View Print jobs

The printed jobs lists show information about completed print jobs.

The user can view and manage jobs in the Output Manager Release my print jobs list.

Figure: Output Manager "Release my print" jobs list

Output Manager print jobs list

Figure: Equitrac "Follow-You Printing" jobs list

Output Manager print jobs list
Button Description

Prints the selected job in the list.

Print All

Prints all jobs in the list.


Deletes selected jobs in the list.


Shows information for a selected job.


Opens the settings screen to configure print settings.

Billing Accounts

Opens the billing accounts screen to search select an available billing account available for the current user login.

Printed jobs

Displays printed jobs. Clicking this button changes the label to read Unprinted Jobs. This button is only available on the Output Manager Release my print screen.

The number of jobs retrieved is limited to 40. When the user presses Print Jobs, the button changes to Unprinted Jobs. This allows users to switch from one list to the other.