Use DRS to configure and deploy the unified client

Administrative access to the server is required. Perform these steps from the server where the installation takes place. In Start menu, under Administrative Tools, go to Server Manager > Local Server > IE Enhanced Security Configuration and turn off Administrators.

  1. If you are using Output Manager 5.0, you can install Device Registration Service (DRS) within ControlSuite. If you are using Output Manager 4.0, install DRS separately.
    1. Unzip the <version_number> from Download installer packages. This creates a new folder containing the DeviceRegistrationService.exe.
    2. Right-click the file and select Run as administrator.
    3. Follow the instructions to install DRS.
  2. Upload the Ricoh Client Package.
    1. Download the Unified Client for Ricoh SOP software package, KofaxRicohUnifiedClient-<version>.zip, from the Kofax Downloads Web site (
    2. Unzip the file. This creates a new folder, containing the RicohSOP<version_number>.xml file.
    3. Open DRS. In a Web browser, enter http://DRSServerIP:9000/device, where DRSServerIP is the IP address of the server where you installed DRS.
    4. Select the Files tab.
    5. From the Device Type list, select Ricoh SOP.
    6. At the bottom of the screen, click Upload. You can navigate to the KofaxRicohUnifiedClient-<version>.zip file, unzip it, and upload the files. You can also upload any images used for customizing the Welcome screen. The file type restriction is also validated, with message listing the allowed extensions when errors appear.
      Note: Future updates of the client configurations can be also uploaded from here.

      The administrator can check build information for the specific package version and DRS decides what should be installed to the MFP based on the device configurations. The administrator can also install the latest version of the client, or a previous version (until that version is retired or is not supported).

      Note: After installing DRS, the uploaded files (using Files tab in DRS) are not part of the installer and will not be removed with the uninstallation.
  3. Create the application in DRS.
    1. Select the Applications tab.
    2. Click the green () button at the top of the left Applications pane.
    3. In the Name field (required), enter a name for the application.
    4. In the Application Type list (required), select Ricoh SOP.
    5. In the Capture Component list (required), select None.
    6. In the Print Manager list (required), select Output Manager. The rest of the Add Application fields appear.
    7. In the Print Manager Address field, enter the IP addresses or the hostnames used by the Output Manager Server.
    8. In the Print Manager Port field, enter the port number used by the Output Manager Server.
    9. In the Print Manager Use TLS field, select True or False.
    10. In the DRS Service URI field (required), enter the address to the DRS server. The default port number for this DRS service is 8755. Note that the address in this field must be an IP address.
    11. In the Authentication entry (required), select True.
    12. Click the Save button () .
  4. Add the device in DRS.
    1. Select the Devices tab.
    2. Click the green () button at the top left of the Devices pane.
    3. In the Name field (required), enter a name for the Ricoh device or device group that identifies it on the network.
    4. In the Address field (required), enter the IP address or the hostname of the device.
    5. Enter the Username and Password for the device.
    6. From the Application list (required), select the application you have created. The rest of the Add Device fields appear.
    7. In the Remote Install Password field (required), enter the administrator password. Note: This password can be changed by the device administrator regardless of the domain credentials.
    8. In the MFP TLS (http/https) entry, select True (default) or False. It is recommended that you use https or higher TLS settings for installation.
    9. In the Enable Debug Log entry, select True or False.
    10. In the Device Type list (required), choose between Single-Function Printer (SFP), Multi-Function Printer (MFP) or Specific model (MP C306/MP C406) device. Note: This will affect available workflow applications.
    11. In the Authentication Screen field, select Welcome (default) or Logon.
    12. In the Card Reader PID field, enter the specific Product ID number.
    13. In the Card Reader VID field, enter the specific Vendor ID number.
    14. In the Assign as Home Key Application field, choose select True or False.
    15. In the Application Package list (required), select an application package from this list. The selected application package is downloaded to a device by the Install action. List items are populated by the uploaded files specified on the Files tab.
    16. In the Customize Assets field, choose True or False. If True is selected, additional fields appear.
      • In the Application Logo list (required), select relevant image file. The following image types are available: JPG, JPEG, PNG or BMP.
      • In the Welcome Screen Image list (required), select relevant image file.
        Note: Once the logo shown on the Welcome Screen is customized, a smaller logo size is added to the top left hand corner of the Welcome Screen.
      • In the Customize Welcome Screen Text field, choose True or False. If True is selected, the Welcome Screen Text field appears. Enter your text.
      Note: The information () icon next to field names explains the file type, image resolution, and text length restrictions.
      To upload the assets, go to the Files tab and select a file that conforms to the previous specifications. Once uploaded, the file appears in the list (for Application Logo and Welcome Screen Image, respectively depending on the uploaded file’s size). Note: Uploaded files that do not conform will not show in the list.
    17. In the Customize Workflow Buttons field, choose True or False. If True is selected, the Workflow Application field appear. Choose the available workflow applications for your device.
    18. Click the Save () button at the top of the Add Device pane.

      For more details, see Device properties.

  5. Install the client application onto the device.
    1. From the drop-down list at the top of the Details pane, select one of the options depending on your preferences. For details, see Actions reference.
    2. Click the Run Action () button to run the action. The installation action may take a few moments to complete. Once finished, a Successfully completed message appears in the Action History pane at the bottom of the screen.
    3. From the Select Actions list, select Full Install.
    4. Click the Run Action icon () to run the action. This may take a few minutes to complete. Once finished, a Successfully completed message appears in the Action History pane at the bottom of the screen.