Device properties

Unified Client for Ricoh Smart Operation Panel 1.1 device properties are configured in the Device Registration Service web console. When configured for a device group, they can be propagated to any device in the group.

The following parameters define the device settings. Click the edit button to edit the parameters for a device. Click the save button to save changes to the parameters or click the cancel button to discard changes.

Option Description

The name of the Ricoh device or device group.


The IP address of a Ricoh device.

Note: This is a device only parameter and will not be displayed when configuring parameters for a device group.
Inherit Properties from Group

This option is visible only when a device is located in a group folder in the Devices pane.

  • True specifies to use property settings for the group. The remaining property settings will be inherited from the group and unavailable for configuration here.
  • False specifies to configure property settings separately for this device. The remaining settings will be available for configuration here except in their description.
Note: As application is not inherited, you must have separate groups for separate applications.

The administrator user name for the Ricoh device. The default is "admin".


The administrator password for the Ricoh device. This field is empty by default.


A DRS application with Ricoh SOP as its Application Type. When a device is in a group, this property setting is always inherited the group and does not appear for a device. In this case, select Output Manager.

Device Group

Click a group name in this box to change group membership. When a device is a member of a group it can optionally inherit device settings defined for the group. This allows you to simultaneously manage settings for multiple devices. Select the [Devices] option in this list to remove a device from group membership and move it to the root folder in the Devices pane. This option is not visible while you are configuring options for a new device.

Remote Install Password

The remote password for the Ricoh device. This password is required for uploading the Unified Client for Ricoh Smart Operation Panel 1.1 installation package to a Ricoh device. The default remote install password is "ricoh".

MFP TLS (http/https)

Specifies whether the device is configured to use TLS to communicate with the server.

  • True when the device is configured to use TLS (HTTPS).
  • False when the device is configured to not use TLS (HTTP).
Enable Debug Log Specifies whether you want to enable debug logging:
  • True
  • False (default)
Device Type

When deploying native device applications, you can specify the correct device type to ensure only supported functionality is deployed to the device:

  • C306/406 for specific model C306/406
  • MFP for every other Ricoh Multi-Function Printer device
  • SFP for SP C840DN, SP C842DN and SP 8400DN Ricoh Single-Function Printer devices
Authentication Screen Presents the authentication screen a user will see when they walk up to a device that is setup with Authentication. Available options:
  • Welcome screen (default)
  • Logon screen.
Updating Assets and Workflows

On initial installation of the Ricoh SOP client and configuration of the Ricoh device, it is recommended that you perform a Full Install action. A Full Install installs the client on the device, configures the device (updating SP modes), performs asset and workflows sync and installs the Scan GUI Service.

To update an asset (logo image, welcome image, welcome text) at any time following an initial full install, perform a Sync Assets action.

To update customized workflows, at any time following an initial full install, perform Sync Workflow Buttons action.

To update asset(s) and workflows at the same time, perform both Sync Assets and Sync Workflow Buttons actions.

On completion of all sync actions, perform Configure and Reboot action in order for customized workflows to be displayed on the Welcome screen.

Assign as Home Key Application

Specifies whether the Unified Client for Ricoh Smart Operation Panel 1.1 is invoked by the Home key on the device.

  • True assigns the client as a home key application on the device.
  • False does not assign the client as a home key application on the device.
This setting is available for with or without Authentication for the different servers, as displayed in the table below.
Note: Home Key functions require the latest firmware from Ricoh.
Scan Preview

Specifies whether the Scan preview option is available on the device.

  • True makes the Scan preview option available on the device.
  • False does not make the Scan preview option available on the device.
Application Package

Select an application package from this list. The selected application package is downloaded to a device by the Install action. List items are populated by the uploaded files specified on the Files tab. Unified Client for Ricoh Smart Operation Panel 1.1installation packages are downloaded from the Web Licensing Portal. See Use DRS to configure and deploy the unified client for information about how to add a Unified Client for Ricoh Smart Operation Panel 1.1 installation package to DRS.

Customize Assets Specifies whether you want to customize assets.
  • True makes the Customize Assets option available on the device. If selected, additional fields appear below.
  • False does not make the Customize Assets option available on the device.

    Additional fields:

  • Application Logo drop-down list (required): Allows you to select relevant image file. Supported file formats: JPG, JPEG, PNG and BMP. Required Image resolution (WxH) is 288px x 72px.
    Note: Logo is dynamically added when the standard logo is customized.
  • Welcome Screen Image drop-down list (required): Allows you to select relevant image file. Supported file formats: JPG, JPEG, PNG and BMP. Required Image resolution (WxH) is 174px x 174px.
  • Customize Welcome Screen Text field: If True is selected, additional field appear below.
    • Welcome Screen Text field: Allows you to enter your Welcome screen text (maximum allowable length of 60 characters from the template).
Customize Workflow Buttons Specifies whether you want to customize workflow buttons.
  • True makes the Customize Workflow Buttons option available on the device. If selected, additional fields appear below.
  • False does not make the Customize Workflow Buttons option available on the device.
    Additional field:
    • Workflow Application selection fields: Allows you to configure native and extended applications (MFP). This allows you to configure and control deployment of native device functions (copy, fax, scan and GlobalScan NX) to a single device or multiple devices.
      Note: Print and Scan transactions performed using Ricoh Cloud Apps are not tracked by Output Manager.
      Note: Native scans or AutoStore scans are not tracked by Output Manager.

Availability of the "Home Key" and "Scan Preview" options

Availability of this the Assign as home key application and Scan preview options is determined as follows:

Servers and authentication Home Key Scan preview
Output Manager-Auth ON Available Available
Output Manager-Auth OFF Available Available
Note: The Home Key option is supported with the latest firmware from Ricoh.