Licensing Unified Client for Samsung Smart UX

Each Unified Client for Samsung Smart UX installation requires a license applied in the Equitrac System Manager. You must obtain one license per device, or purchase a license pack that contains enough licenses for all of the devices you want to enable for use. You can buy single licenses or license packs as needed.

If you intend to use Equitrac to scan to external destinations, a separate Capture and Send license is also required. Third-party or other native scan applications do not require separate licenses from Equitrac.

Once you obtain the licenses, you need to activate them in the Equitrac System Manager. By default, System Manager resides on the machine that hosts the accounting server. However, System Manager may be installed on any machine on the network that has a connection to the CAS.

  1. Open System Manager by selecting Start > All Programs > Equitrac Office/Express > System Manager.
  2. In the Select Accounting server dialog box, choose the CAS with which Equitrac System Manager is associated, then click Connect. If the server is not listed, enter the host name or IP address in the server field.
  3. When System Manager opens, click Licensing in the left menu pane.
  4. Under Current tasks, click Add license, or click <Add...> in the right pane.
  5. When the Equitrac activation window opens, click Next to begin the activation process.
  6. Enter the serial number for each components you want to activate. These serial numbers were supplied with your software. After you enter each complete serial number, click Add to add it to the list, then enter additional serial numbers as required.
  7. When all numbers are entered, click Next.
  8. Select Automatic online activation or Manual activation, and click Next.
    Note: If you do not have a connection to both the Internet and CAS, choose Manual activation.
  9. For Manual activation, do the following:
    1. Contact Kofax Customer Support at or by telephone to obtain the corresponding activation codes.
    2. After receiving the required activation codes, click Finish to continue.
    3. In the Add licensing Information dialog box, enter the Activation code, and click Add.
    4. The activated software license appears in System Manager.
  10. For Automatic online activation, do the following:
    1. In the Embedded device licensing screen, select Samsung from the Manufacturer list, then click Next.
    2. Follow the Activation wizard prompts to provide contact information. If you have already registered one or more Equitrac components, the Activation wizard fills the form with previously-collected data.
    3. The Activation wizard displays a Collecting information... message while retrieving system data. If you want to omit technical details about your system, click the Show technical details button and select the information you do not want to transmit. You must transmit the following:
      • Accounting server serial number
      • Domain-qualified print server name
      • Organization name as registered in Windows
      • Fully-qualified server DNS name
    4. When the Activation wizard is ready to transmit the information, review the collected data. Choose whether to send optional data with your activation request.
      Note: The Activation wizard transmits the data using an HTTP connection to the Equitrac activation server. If the connection fails, the Activation wizard prompts for verification that you have configured the default gateway correctly, and that the Internet is accessible from this machine. You can retry or cancel the activation request at this point. If you cancel, the Activation wizard prompts you to use manual activation instead
    5. Once the Activation wizard sends the activation data and Equitrac returns the activation code, the Wizard automatically records the license activation in System Manager, and displays a summary of the activation results:
      • Activation code
      • Description
      • Serial number
      • Status (Success; Invalid- the serial number is invalid, or Denied- the serial number was valid but not accepted)