Manually Configuring Embedded Devices

Use the System Manager > Devices link to manually add an embedded device that is associated with a single physical device. This includes enabling Follow-You Printing and release behaviors, as well as copy, scan and fax access on each MFP.

Before installing and registering each MFP as an Equitrac Office/Express device, ensure that you have activated the appropriate license for the device on the Equitrac Core Accounting Server (CAS).

The following procedure assumes you have already registered the physical device hosting Samsung Smart UX within System Manager. For details on performing this procedure, see the Equitrac Office or Equitrac Express Administration Guide.

To register each device with CAS, perform the following procedure on an Equitrac Office/Express administrative workstation:

  1. Open System Manager and select the Devices link. The right pane displays the devices registered in System Manager.
  2. Right-click on the device and select Add embedded device to open the Embedded device dialog box.
  3. Select Samsung Smart UX in the Type drop-down list.
  4. Enter a Name and Description for the embedded device.
  5. Specify the Server hosting the DCE associated with this physical and embedded device.
  6. Enter the Serial number for the device. This must match the serial number as shown on the MFP itself.
  7. Leave the HID decoding setting at Default.
    For information about this setting, see the Equitrac Office/ Express Administration Guide.
  8. Click Pricing to configure pricing at the embedded device level.
    You can create a price list then assign it as the default price list for all of the device functions, or set a price list for each separate function. For details on configuring price lists, see the Equitrac Office or Equitrac Express Administration Guide.
    Note: The default price list is used if a new price list is not designated for the device.
  9. Click the link beside Tracked activities to override default tracking options for a particular embedded device.
    For more information, see Configuring Workflows.
  10. If you have defined Rule sets in System Manager, select one from the drop-down list to apply to this embedded device. For more information on creating rule sets, see the Equitrac Office or Equitrac Express Administration Guide.
  11. In the Release behavior box, select one of the following options to specify documents released at login.
    Option Description
    First is released: Released Releases only the first document in the user’s queue.
    Prompt Prompts the user to release all or select documents for that user.
    Release all at login Releases all queued documents for the current user automatically after successful login.
    Note: Follow-You Printing must be enabled on the print queue. See Enabling Secure Printing.
  12. From the Disclaimer drop-down list, select the disclaimer you want to use at the close of an email.
    For information about setting up disclaimers, see the Equitrac Office/Express Administration Guide.
  13. From the Enable guest user drop-down list, select the option to use for unauthenticated access to the device:
    Option Description
    Default Uses the configured global setting.
    Disabled Overrides the global setting, and denies access.
    Enabled Overrides the global setting, and allows access to guest users.
  14. Click OK to save the settings.