Configuring a Managed Queue
Use the Sources > Managed Queues link to add or configure a Managed Queue.
- Click Add in Managed Queues to open the Add Managed Queues page.
- In the Definition section, enter a Name for the Managed Queue as it will appear on the workstation computers.
- Select a Pull group from the list. More than one pull group can be assigned to a Managed Queue, and more than one Managed Queue can be assigned to the same pull group. See Manage Device Pull Groups.
- In the Behaviour section, select a printing Rule set from the drop-down list. See Creating Print Rules.
- In the Drivers & Language section, select a device from the Copy drivers and language from device drop-down list. The printer driver assignments and printer language selections of the selected device can be copied for easier configuration. Only devices in the same pull group(s) for the Managed Queue are listed in the list.
Select one or more Printer Language check boxes to set
printer languages for the Managed Queue. It is recommended to copy the printer
language selections from a device in the same pull group(s).
Note: While creating a Managed Queue, by default, some printer languages are selected . These are HP-GL/2, HP RTL, PCL3-6, PostScript, Ricoh IPDL-C, Ricoh RPCS, Text, XPS.
- Enter a number in the Lines per page for text field, to specify the number of lines per page for text output.
Set the Printer driver assignment.
Click the Edit icon beside the OS Version to open the
Assign Printer Driver dialog box and set the following:
- Environment: 64-bit or 32-bit.
- OS Version: More than one version can be selected.
- Package name: Select a printer driver package from the uploaded packages. Printer driver packages can be uploaded using the Equitrac Printer Driver Uploader tool.
- Driver name: Select a printer driver. The list of available drivers depends on the selected printer driver package, environment and OS versions.
- Setting profile: Optionally select a custom printing preferences profile available for the selected printer driver. The selected printing preferences will be applied to the Managed Queue.
Note: If the printer driver has not be specified for a specific OS, Managed Queue will not be available on workstations using those OS versions. - You can remove a printer driver by clicking the Trash icon. This only removes the assigned printer driver from the queue, it does not delete the driver from the Driver Repository.
- Click Printer Driver Management to see the list of driver packages in the Driver Repository.
Click the Edit icon beside the OS Version to open the
Assign Printer Driver dialog box and set the following:
- Under General Pricing, select a Primary and Secondary (if configured for dual pricing) Print price from the drop-down lists to configure printing pricing at the Managed Queue level. If no price lists were configured, then the default price is used.
- Under Departmental Pricing, click +Add to add a department price for the Managed Queue.
- When the Departmental Price List dialog opens, select a Type, Department and Price List from the drop-down lists. These options must be configured before Departmental Pricing can be added. See Departmental Pricing for details.
- Click Save to save the Managed Queue settings.