The Equitrac Printer Driver Uploader Tool can be used to:
- Select a printer driver package and prepare it to upload into the Equitrac
Printer Driver Repository.
- Create custom settings for the printer drivers in the selected package.
To use the tool, do the following:
Run the PrinterDriverUploader.exe.
The Printer Driver Uploader tool requires administrator rights.
In the Printer driver package field, specify the full path to the folder where
the .INF file of the printer driver package is located on the system, or click
the (…) folder icon beside the field to browse for a .INF file.
Click Next.
The selected printer driver package is analyzed, and the Version and Date of
the package is displayed. The printer drivers in the package are listed with
environment and minimum OS version information.
Enter a Package name and Description.
Click the Generate package button and save the printer driver .ZIP
Note: Custom printing preferences can be setup for printer drivers
before generating the printer driver ZIP package. Then the ZIP package can
be uploaded to Web System Manager with the custom printing
After the package is successfully generated and saved, click Close to
close the window.
Return to the Upload Printer Driver Package windows in Web System Manager and
upload the generated ZIP package.