Setting Custom Printing Preferences

Use the Equitrac Printer Driver Uploader desktop application to setup custom printing preferences for printer drivers. The generated printer driver ZIP package can be uploaded to Web System Manager with the custom printing preferences.

Once the printer drivers and the custom printing preferences are in the Printer Driver Repository, the printing preferences profiles can be applied to Managed Queues to use the vendor specific printer drivers and allow all printer driver functionality to be available to the user.

To set up custom printing preferences, do the following:

  1. Run the PrinterDriverUploader.exe.
    The Printer Driver Uploader tool requires administrator rights.
  2. In the Printer driver package field, specify the full path to the folder where the .INF file of the printer driver package is located on the system, or click the (…) folder icon beside the field to browse for a .INF file
  3. Click Next.
  4. Enter a Package name and Description.
  5. Expand the printer driver you want to customize and then click the +Add button.
  6. In the Printer Driver Configuration window, enter a Setting profile name.
    The tool prepares the printer driver and then opens the Printing Preferences dialog of the print queue.
  7. In the printer driver Printing Preferences dialog, modify the preferences as needed, and Apply the changes, and click OK to close the preferences dialog.
  8. In the Printer Driver Configuration window, Save the profile and close the window. You can click Modify to make further changes before saving the profile.
  9. Click the Generate package button and save the printer driver .ZIP package.
    The ZIP package can be uploaded to Web System Manager with the custom printing preferences.
  10. After the package is successfully generated and saved, Close the window.
  11. The uploaded printer drivers and custom printing preferences can be assigned to Managed Queues.